Austin Meeting 2011

Our HRC booth at the 2011 ESA meeting was a grand success. Once people found us, they enjoyed chatting, looking at historical photos and posters, and sharing their own recollections of the history of ecology and ESA. As the Centennial approaches, we’re already looking forward to Portland 2012, and we hope to have more to offer at the booth each year!
A highlight this year was the opportunity Monday and Tuesday afternoons to meet authors Jean Langenheim (The Odyssey of a Woman Field Scientist is her memoir) and Dave Coleman (Big Ecology, an acclaimed view of ecosystem science). Virtually all copies of their books we had available were quickly sold.
Overall, we were very pleased with the attendance at the HRC booth, and hope to make sure we’re easier for conference attendees to find next year. Many thanks to Jean and Dave for signing books, and to Dennis Knight, Julie Mulroy, Kara Blue, Corey Palmer, and others who tended the booth during the week.
For the record, this was our second year hosting a booth at the ESA annual meeting. Last year, visitors marked up an ESA timeline and other posters, and seemed to enjoy reading—and contributing to—all the information provided on posters prepared by Scott Franklin.