Bulletin’s First 100th Anniversary Issue
In this centennial year, Bulletin editor Ed Johnson will be focusing on articles outlining ESA history and related themes in addition to regular reports. The January issue contains a nice launch of this series celebrating the 100th anniversary.
ESA Founders Pictured on the Cover, ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 3
The Ecological Society of America: Founders, Founding Stories, Foundations, by Sharon Kingsland. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 5
The Ideals and Aims of the Ecological Society of America
Victor E. Shelford, ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 12 Posted on this website (also Jstor pdf here).
From the Editor-in-Chief, E. A. Johnson, ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 20
Help Save ESA’s Historical Records, ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 22
Thomas Park: ESA President’s Address, 1960 (by E. A. Johnson) and
An Ecologist’s View*, by Thomas Park. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 24
History of ESA’s Historical Records Committee,
by Dennis H. Knight, Douglas G. Sprugel. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 32
ESA’s Fifth Decade: A Period of Growth, by Kiyoko Miyanishi. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 41
Projects That Never Happened: Ecological Insights from Darien, Panama, by Alan P. Covich. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 54
Ecological Concepts: What Are They, What Is Their Value, And For Whom?, by William A. Reiners, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Steven D. Prager, Juliana C. Mulroy. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 64

In Memory of Former Members
Resolutions of Respect were also published in this issue for two long-time ESA supporters: Paul Risser, former ESA president (1984-85); and Elsie Quarterman, Southeastern U.S. plant ecologist.
Resolution of Respect: Paul Risser, 1939–2014, by Scott Collins, William Parton, Jane Lubchenco, Hal Mooney. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 72
Resolution of Respect: Elsie Quarterman, 1910–2014, by Stewart Ware. ESA Bulletin 96:1 p 74
See this entire issue at ESApubs.org.