Looking for records on early (or other) ecologists? We have several kinds of biographical materials available. Here are some options:
- See this table of simplified biographical information with links to the ESA Bulletin
- Search for a specific name using the search option at the top of any page.
- Obituaries and resolutions of respect for deceased members.
- Check out recent award winners here, and those all the way back.
- Those who have served in ESA are recorded at the officers page.
- See an academic family tree of plant ecologists and associated microbiographies.
- HRC has been collecting oral histories of notable ecologists since 2012.
- In 2004-2005, more than 100 ecologists submitted personal accounts detailing how they became interested in ecology, what they do now, and what advice they would give to ecology students today.
- Who were ESA’s earliest members? (list)
- Check our new list (in progress) of book-length biographies and autobiographies of ecologists.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can help us create a new record!
Please comment at any page to let us know when praise is due, or you see a flaw in our information, or to share information you have. This project is bigger than all of us—we welcome your help!
Thank you!
Don’t you love these old photos?
It’s fun to check out pioneers in ecology!

1930 Ames Iowa Group
Identifications (incomplete):
- W. G. McGinnies, University of Arizona
- Ada Hayden, Iowa State University
- R. Keinholz, Connecticut
- William S. Cooper, University of Minnesota
- Charles F. Hottes, University of Illinois
- Raymond J. Pool, University of Nebraska
- Edwin B. Powers, University of Tennessee
- George Elwood Nichols, Yale University
- Leslie A. Kenoyer, Western Michigan State Teachers College
- J. M. Aikman, Iowa State University
- J. A. Larsen, Iowa State University
- T. L. Steiger, University of Nebraska
- Bell, USDA
- Herbert C. Hansen, North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
- Victor E. Shelford, University of Illinois
- George D. Fuller, University of Chicago
- Arthur G. Vestal, University of Illinois
- Fraser, Indiana
- T. J. Fitzpatrick, University of Nebraska
- John E. Weaver, University of Nebraska
- Barrington Moore, UK
- A. O. Weese, University of Oklahoma
- W. C. Allee, University of Chicago