Margaret B. Davis
Margaret B. Davis
Born: Boston, MA 10/23/1931; died 5/22/2024
Education: Radcliffe (AB 1953), Harvard (Ph.D. 1957)
Dissertation title: Late-glacial pollen diagrams from Central Massachusetts. (Am. J. Science 256:540-570)
Adviser: H. M. Raup
Comments: Did post-docs with H. M. Raup (Harvard 1957-58), H. Lowenstamm (Caltech 1959-60), E. S. Deevey (Yale 1960-61)
Teaching History: University of Michigan 1966-1973, Yale 1973-76, Univ. Minnesota 1976-2000
Ph. D. students: Linda Brubaker, Richard Brugam, Isobel Heathcote, Ray Spear, Catherine Zabinski, Fames Ferrari, Beth Lynch, Sara Hotchkiss, Tim Parshall, Randy Calcote, Holly Ewing, David Lytle; W. Charles Kerfoot (co-advised) Eugene Wahl (co-advised)
Others influenced: (Postdocs) Thompson Webb III, Linda Shane, Robert E. Moeller, Kerry Woods, Abraham A. Middeldorp, Lisa Graumlich, Yinshuo Chen, Lee Frelich, Shinya Sugita; (M. S. students) Sara Webb, Mark Schwartz, James Leebens-Mack, Kendra McLauchlan, co-advisor for Sarah Cronlund; (informal) Jean Maxwell, Jesse Ford, Taber Allison.
ESA offices and honors: President 1987-88; Eminent Ecologist 1993; Cooper Award 2011; Fellow 2012
ESA links: Presidential bio | Eminent Ecologist | Cooper Award
Archived Papers: in preparation
External links: Wikipedia