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Ecological Applications

eapplcompEcological Applications was launched in 1991 to highlight applications of ecological science to environmental problems. Originally a quarterly, it expanded to six issues in 2000, and has been published eight times a year since 2007 (Volume 17). “Special issues” are published occasionally; they are accommodated within the annual numbering scheme.
Ecological Applications is concerned broadly with the applications of ecological science to environmental problems. It publishes papers that develop scientific principles to support environmental decision-making, as well as papers that discuss the application of ecological concepts to environmental issues, policy, and management.”

Read full Aims and Scope.
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List of Editors for Ecological Applications

History of the Journal Ecological Applications

As early as 1976, possible new journals were in discussion by ESA, as Ecology was reaching a size limit and Ecological Monographs did not receive more long manuscripts than it could manage. According to Robert Burgess, a “Journal of Applied Ecology” was proposed, but was already in publication as an official organ of the British Ecological Society. Several possible titles were recommended, with theoretical and mathematical ecology, as well as a review journal, considered.

However, in these times of escalating costs, a new journal begun by an existing Society needs to be self-supporting almost from the start. ESA is still uncertain of this possibility, in light of its fiscal resources, and hence has made no decision. The current rejection rate for Ecology runs consistently at 70 percent, however, so it is evident that the need is there. Only the future will tell the outcome of these continuing deliberations.
—Robert Burgess, 1976, History of the Ecological Society of America, excerpt on publications

List of Ecological Applications Editors (1971-present)

NamePositionStart dateEnd date
Agee, James K.Editor19972000
Altizer, Sonia M.Editor20072011
Andow, DavidEditor19962002
Antos, Joseph A.Editor20052008
Aplet, Gregory H.Editor20022005
Ayres, Matthew P.Editor2004present
Baines, Stephen P.Editor20112016
Baldwin, J. DavidManaging Editor19942014
Barber, Jarrett J.Editor20102013
Baron, JillEditor20012010
Baron, Jill S.Assigning Editor2016present
Bartell, SteveEditor19911993
Bartuska, AnnEditor19951998
Bayley, Suzanne E.Editor19931997
Belnap, JayneEditor20032007
Belnap, JayneAssigning Editor20072016
Boersma, P. DeeEditor19992002
Boggs, CarolEditor20032006
Bond, BarbaraEditor20022005
Botsford, Louis W.Editor19992002
Bradford, John B.Editor2013present
Brawn, Jeffrey D.Editor19992003
Breshears, David D.Editor20042010
Brody, Alison K.Editor2012present
Brown, SandraEditor20012005
Brunton, DianneEditor2012present
Brussard, PeterEditor19911993
Burke, Ingrid C.Editor19952010
Callaway, JohnEditor20052010
Carpenter, StephenEditor19911994
Cienciala, EmilEditor2012present
Clark, William C.Editor20012001
Cleveland, Cory C.Editor20122016
Collinge, Sharon K.Editor20072012
Costanza, RobertEditor19931996
Craft, Christopher B.Editor20112014
Crowder, Larry B.Editor20002002
Cuevas, ElviraEditor20052010
Currie, William S.Editor2013present
Daily, Gretchen C.Editor19962000
Dawson, Todd E.Editor19961999
Dayton, PaulEditor1998present
Deegan, LindaEditor20022008
Denslow, JulieEditor19941997
Ehrlich, PaulEditor19911993
Ellison, Aaron M.Data Editor19982001
Elser, James J.Editor20012004
Eshleman, KeithEditor20042010
Essington, Timothy E.Editor20032007
Essington, Timothy E.Assigning Editor2007present
Ewel, Katherine C.Editor19911993
Ewel, Katherine C.Editor19972000
Faulkner, Stephen P.Editor20112014
Fausch, KurtEditor20002003
Field, Christopher B.Editor19931996
Finley, Andrew O.Editor2012present
Ford, JesseEditor19931996
Franklin, JanetEditor20112015
Franklin, JerryEditor19911995
Friedl, MarkEditor20042010
Frumhoff, PeterEditor20052008
Fuentes, Eduardo R.Editor19931996
Garner, Trenton W. J.Editor2010present
Gavin, Thomas A.Editor19972000
Getz, Wayne M.Editor19941996
Gido, Keith B.Editor20072010
Goheen, JacobEditor2012present
Goldstein, Allen H.Editor20022004
Gorham, EvilleEditor19911992
Gould, FredEditor19921994
Gould, FredEditor19992002
Goulden, Michael L.Editor20012004
Graber, DavidEditor19911991
Gratton, ClaudioEditor2010present
Graumlich, Lisa J.Editor19951997
Grimm, Nancy B.Assigning Editor20072010
Gross, Louis J.Editor19911991
Gulledge, JayEditor20022009
Hannon, Susan J.Editor19972003
Hatch, Scott A.Editor19961999
Hellberg, Michael E.Editor2010present
Heppell, Selina S.Editor20072015
Hobbie, JohnEditor19911991
Hobbs, N. ThompsonEditor2002present
Holland, Elisabeth A.Editor20002002
Hollowed, Anne BabcockEditor20012004
Horvitz, Carol C.Editor20012003
Howarth, RobertEditor19911994
Huber-Sannwald, ElisabethEditor2014present
Huenneke, Laura F.Editor19972000
Hufbauer, Ruth A.Editor2007present
Hungate, BruceEditor20042007
Hunter, MalcolmEditor19951999
Hutchinson, Thomas C.Editor19911992
Jackson, JeremyEditor19951999
James, Frances C.Editor19992006
Janetos, Anthony C.Editor19941999
Jensen, OlafEditor2013present
Johnson, Fred A.Editor2014present
Johnston, Carol A.Editor20092012
Karr, James R.Editor19951997
Kemp, W. MichaelEditor19992002
King, Ryan S.Editor2013present
Knight, Dennis H.Editor19911993
Knight, Richard L.Editor20062015
Lamberti, Gary A.Editor20012003
Lertzman, Kenneth P.Editor20052005
Levey, Douglas J.Editor20002002
Levin, CaroleEditor19951995
Levin, PhillipEditor20042007
Levin, Simon A.Editor-in-chief19911995
Levinton, Jeffrey S.Editor19911993
Liebman, MattEditor19922001
Lindenmayer, David B.Editor19992002
Linder, RandalEditor20022005
Lodge, David M.Editor19982001
Logan, Jesse A.Editor20022005
Loucks, Orie L.Editor19911993
Lovett, Gary M.Editor19951998
Lubchenco, JaneEditor19911993
Luo, YiqiEditor20052008
Lytle, David A.Editor2014present
MacCall, Alec D.Editor20002002
MacDonald, Glen M.Editor20002003
Mack, Michelle C.Editor20132015
Mack, Richard N.Editor19941997
Magnuson, JohnEditor19911993
Mangel, MarcEditor19911993
Marcot, Bruce G.Editor2015present
Marzluff, John M.Editor2005present
Matson, PamelaEditor19941999
Maurer, Brian A.Editor20002003
May, RobertEditor19911992
McDowell, Judith E.Editor19972003
McEvoy, Peter B.Editor19981999
McGuire, A. DavidEditor1999present
McKenzie, DonaldEditor20062010
Melack, JohnEditor19992002
Melillo, JerryEditor19911993
Millspaugh, JoshuaEditor20072010
Mladenoff, DavidEditor20032006
Mooney, Harold A.Editor19911993
Nelson, Erik J.Editor2013present
Newell, ElizabethEditor20072015
Nilsson, ChristerEditor2004present
Noble, Ian R.Editor19931996
Norby, Richard J.Editor19982001
O'Brien, TimEditor2008present
Olden, Julian D.Editor2013present
Ostfeld, Richard S.Editor20012007
Oyler-McCance, SaraEditor2010present
Pacala, Stephen W.Editor19951999
Pan, YudeEditor2013present
Parkhurst, DavidEditor20052010
Parsons, DavidEditor19922001
Parton, WilliamEditor19911995
Pennington, DerricEditor2016present
Peters, Debra P. C.Editor20002003
Peterson, David L.Editor20002006
Pitelka, Louis F.Editor19911995
Pitelka, Louis F.Editor-in-Chief19962001
Plaganyi, Éva E.Editor2014present
Powell, James A.Editor20062009
Power, Alison G.Editor19961996
Pulliam, H. RonaldEditor19921994
Pulliam, H. RonaldEditor19971998
Radeloff, Volker C.Editor20082012
Rahel, Frank J.Editor20012004
Raphael, Martin G.Editor19941996
Raven, PeterEditor19911992
Rees, MarkEditor19992002
Reichman, O. J.Editor19982001
Reid, RobinEditor20052008
Reid, Walter V.Editor19982008
Relyea, Rick A.Editor20052009
Rice, Kevin J.Editor19982002
Risser, PaulEditor19901998
Root, RichardEditor19911992
Root, Terry L.Editor19921995
Rose, Kenneth A.Editor19972000
Rubenstein, DanEditor19931995
Salwasser, HalEditor19931995
Schauber, EricEditor20072012
Schimel, David S.Editor19932001
Schimel, David S.Editor-in-chief2001present
Schlesinger, William H.Editor19911993
Schlesinger, William H.Editor19951995
Schmid, Hans PeterEditor20042009
Scholes, Robert J.Editor19972003
Schultz, Jack C.Editor19961998
Semlitsch, Raymond D.Editor20032004
Semmens, Brice X.Editor2014present
Shaffer, H. BradleyEditor19962002
Sharitz, Rebecca R.Editor19911994
Sieg, Carolyn HullEditor2012present
Silver, Whendee L.Editor20012003
Simons, Theodore R.Editor2003present
Sinsabaugh, Robert L.Editor2009present
Sisk, ThomasEditor20022004
Sissenwine, Michael P.Editor19972000
Southwood, RichardEditor19911992
Stanford, Jack A.Editor19962001
Stanley, Emily H.Editor20042010
Stanley, Emily H.Assigning Editor20102013
Stark, John M.Editor20032006
Stein, Roy A.Editor19941997
Stella, John C.Editor2016present
Stokesbury, KevinEditor20062013
Stromberg, Juliet C.Editor19941997
Swetnam, Thomas W.Editor19982000
Taub, FriedaEditor19941996
Temple, Stanley A.Editor19951998
Thompson III, Frank R.Editor20042005
Townsend, Alan R.Editor20012011
Treseder, KathleenEditor20072012
Turner, Monica G.Editor19922004
Van Buskirk, JoshEditor20042009
van Leeuwen, Willem J.D.Editor2012present
Vander Zanden, M. JakeEditor20082011
Ward, Amelia K.Editor20082014
Ward, Eric J.Editor2014present
Waring, Richard H.Editor19941997
Wessman, Carol A.Editor19982003
Wheelwright, Nathaniel T.Editor19961999
Wiens, John A.Editor19952001
Wilcove, David S.Editor19961999
Wilcox, Bradford P.Editor2010present
Wilson, Kerrie A.Editor2016present
Winfree, RachaelEditor20122015
Wirsing, Aaron J.Editor2015present
Xiao, XiangmingEditor2010present
Zak, Donald R.Editor20082012
Zedler, Joy B.Editor19921994
Zedler, Joy B.Editor19992005