Ecological Applications
Ecological Applications was launched in 1991 to highlight applications of ecological science to environmental problems. Originally a quarterly, it expanded to six issues in 2000, and has been published eight times a year since 2007 (Volume 17). “Special issues” are published occasionally; they are accommodated within the annual numbering scheme.
“Ecological Applications is concerned broadly with the applications of ecological science to environmental problems. It publishes papers that develop scientific principles to support environmental decision-making, as well as papers that discuss the application of ecological concepts to environmental issues, policy, and management.”
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List of Editors for Ecological Applications
History of the Journal Ecological Applications
As early as 1976, possible new journals were in discussion by ESA, as Ecology was reaching a size limit and Ecological Monographs did not receive more long manuscripts than it could manage. According to Robert Burgess, a “Journal of Applied Ecology” was proposed, but was already in publication as an official organ of the British Ecological Society. Several possible titles were recommended, with theoretical and mathematical ecology, as well as a review journal, considered.
However, in these times of escalating costs, a new journal begun by an existing Society needs to be self-supporting almost from the start. ESA is still uncertain of this possibility, in light of its fiscal resources, and hence has made no decision. The current rejection rate for Ecology runs consistently at 70 percent, however, so it is evident that the need is there. Only the future will tell the outcome of these continuing deliberations.
—Robert Burgess, 1976, History of the Ecological Society of America, excerpt on publications