Ecological Monographs
The journal Ecological Monographs was launched by ESA in 1931 to accommodate longer articles than could be published in Ecology. Criteria specified submissions should be more than 20 pages. With the advent of Ecological Applications in 1991, Ecological Monographs also now publishes applied papers that are too long for that journal.
“Papers published in Ecological Monographs provide integrative and complete documentation of major empirical and theoretical advances in the field and establish benchmarks from which future research will build. …The vision for Ecological Monographs is that it should be the place for publishing integrative, synthetic papers that elaborate new directions for the field of ecology.” The journal includes original research papers, reviews, and concepts and synthesis papers that advance the field of ecology.
The journal shares its Board of Editors with Ecology and Ecological Applications.
Read full Aims and Scope.
Explore contents of Ecological Monographs issues at Wiley
List of Ecological Monographs Editors (1971-present)