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Chapters are established within ESA to facilitate connections among members in the same geographic area. All chapters are subdivisions of the Ecological Society of America. Chapters may be organized on a regional basis to encourage interest in the field of ecology and to enhance communication among ecologists regionally and between the parent Society and its members. Chapter Chairs serve as members of the ESA Governing Council.


At this time, HRC is not tracking chapter awards, but old records may be found at Awards given by Chapters and Sections.

Current Chapters

Canada Chapter: Established 1992 as the Quebec Chapter (until 2000). The objective of this Chapter is to encourage education and research, to sponsor meetings for the communication of ecological education and research activities, to facilitate access to the Society for graduate students, and to provide scientific information to those interested in the ecology of Canadian ecoregions.
Chapter website
Latin America Chapter: Established 2015 by combining the former Mexico and South American chapters. Bulletin article.
Chapter website
Mid-Atlantic Chapter: Established in 1983 and originally known as the Metropolitan Washington Chapter (until 2002). The goal of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter is to encourage communication among professional ecologists of the metropolitan areas of the Mid-Atlantic and vicinity.
Chapter website
Southeast Chapter: Established in 1976. The objectives of the Southeast Chapter are to encourage education and research and to sponsor meetings for the communication of ecological education and research activities of special interest to ecologists in the Southeastern United States.
Chapter website
Southwest Chapter: The chapter has a two-fold vision: To promote, develop and coordinate regional-to continental-scale research and education activities, and to promote ESA’s relevancy to existing and emerging ecological issues in the Southwest, including Mexico.
Chapter website  

Inactive Chapters

Mexico Chapter: Established 2003. The objective of this Chapter is to encourage education and research, to sponsor meetings for the communication of ecological education and research activities, to provide scientific information to those interested in the ecology of Mexico and to facilitate access to the Society for graduate students with interest in Mexico. Combined with South America chapter in 2015 to form the new Latin America Chapter.
South America Chapter: Established 2008. The objective of this Chapter is to encourage research and education in ecology and its applications throughout South America, to foster communication and the development of collaborative links among ecologists through the support of regional scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses, and to facilitate the participation of South American students and scientists in the ESA. Combined with Mexico chapter in 2015 to form new Latin America Chapter.
Rocky Mountain Chapter: Established in 1982; originally the Central Rockies Chapter. The objectives of the Rocky Mountain Chapter are to encourage education and research and to sponsor meetings for the communication of ecological education and research activities of special interest to ecologists in the Rocky Mountain Region of North America. Inactive 2005; dissolved 2016.
Western Chapter: The Western Chapter was the earliest formed (1936), but was organized and dissolved several times. The chapter was eliminated in 2008. It is partially replaced by the Rocky Mountain Chapter.