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Bulletin of the ESA

The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, issued quarterly, contains announcements of meetings of the Society and related organizations, programs, awards, articles, and items of current interest to members.

bulletincompAs ESA’s oldest journal, it is the official record of the Society’s business. The Bulletin is open access.
The Bulletin also contains annual reports of the Society and its chapters, sections, and committees. The Bulletin publishes commentary and opinion on ecological issues that do not require scientific refereeing beyond the section editors and the editor-in-chief. This journal is a rich source for detailed information on ESA’s history.

Read full Aims and Scope.
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List of Editors for the Bulletin

History of the Bulletin

Early issues of the Bulletin described early organizational efforts and lists of members. The ESA Secretary was originally responsible for editing and publishing the Bulletin.

The newly formed ESA issued volume one, number 1 of the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America in March of 1917. This was rapidly followed by a “Handbook” later that same year, also issued as a number of the Bulletin. By the mid-1920’s, following a period of sporadic publication, the Bulletin had stabilized as a small, quarterly journal that has continued uninterrupted to the present time. For a significant period, it appears that the Bulletin is perhaps the only real source of historical information. Yet there are some lapses. While responsibility for some of the early volumes is shrouded by the mists of antiquity, for at least 40 years the Bulletin was edited by the secretary of the Society. That individual had to gather material, prepare and edit copy, procure a printer, and handle distribution.
—Robert L. Burgess, History of the Ecological Society of America, 1976; excerpt on publications

In 1968 the Bulletin was reorganized and reformatted, and a separate Bulletin editor position was created as an elected officer. In 1977, ESA considered changing the Bulletin to six issues per year. This was apparently never implemented, although an extra issue, consisting of a Directory of Members, was occasionally published. In 2005 the print edition was ended and the Bulletin became electronic-only.

List of Bulletin Editors

NamePositionStart dateEnd date
Anderson, Charles W. Section Editor20052013
Barker, SusanSection Editor20052013
Bode, CollinSection Editor20132015
Bromer, WilliamSection Editor20092013
Brown, Renée F.Section Editor2016present
Byrnes, Jarrett E. Section Editor2011present
Callahan, James T. Section Editor19981999
Cushing, Jr., Colbert E.Editor19841992
D'Avanzo, CharleneSection Editor2013present
Hazen, WilliamEditor19751977
Hollister, JeffreySection Editor20072010
Inouye, David W.Section Editor19892013
Johnson, Edward A.Editor-in-Chief2004present
Knight, Dennis H.Section Editor2016present
Lymn, Nadine CavenderSection Editor19972009
Mappin, MichaelSection Editor20132015
Marzolf, RichardEditor19771984
McKee, DavidSection Editor20002002
Niering, WilliamEditor19711975
Ornes, HalSection Editor19912008
Scheiner, SamuelSection Editor20052013
Solomon, AllenEditor-in-Chief19922000
Young, Stephen L.Section Editor2016present