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Glenn Motzkin

From an “Ecologist Directory” maintained by the ESA Education Office about 2004-2005. Profile circa 2004.
Degree                             M.S. (University of Massachusetts)
W.S. Cooper Award for 2003
gmotzkinWhen did you become interested in ecology?
My interest in ecology grew out of (and remains rooted in) a strong interest in natural history.
How did you learn about ecological careers? Who was most influential in guiding you into ecology?
I worked for several years as a naturalist and environmental educator before shifting to a career in ecology. Bill Lafley and Glenn Davis offered important guidance as I started to explore natural history, and Dr. Bill Patterson was an invaluable mentor in my development as an ecologist.
What key advice would you offer a student today?
I encourage all ecology students to select at least one field system to learn about in great depth, as I feel such perspective is critical for both applied and theoretical studies.