Forrest Shreve
Forrest Shreve
Born: Easton, MD 7/8/1878; died 7/19/50
Education: Johns Hopkins (B.A. 1901; Ph.D. 1905)
Dissertation title: The development and anatomy of Sarracenia purpurea L. (Bot. Gaz. 42:107-126)
Teaching history: Johns Hopkins 1905-06; Goucher Coll. 1906-08
Advisor: Duncan S. Johnson (D)
Comments: Sometimes thought to be a student of Burton E. Livingston (cf. H. A. Gleason letter to C. H. Muller, ESA Bull. 56(4):7-10) but this association apparently developed after Shreve had finished his doctoral work.
Teaching history: Johns Hopkins 1905-06; Goucher Coll. 1906-08
Ph.D. students:
Others influenced: Robert R. Humphrey. Was also close to the young William S. Cooper, who was a student at Johns Hopkins in 1906-07 while Shreve was at nearby Goucher.
ESA offices and honors: Founder (1914); Secretary-Treasurer 1916-19; President 1922
ESA links: ESA obituary
Archived papers: Forrest Shreve Correspondence in Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution Records, 1903-1938. University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson AZ. | Forrest Shreve Photographs, 1868-1936, 1914-1936. University of Arizona Special Collections, Tucson AZ. | Forrest Shreve Speeches, 1920-1933, relating to his work at the Desert Botanical Laboratory. University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson AZ.
External links: Smith bios | Wikipedia