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Richard H. Waring

Richard H. Waring
Born:  Chicago, IL 5/17/1935
Education:  Minnesota (B.S. 1957, M.S. 1959); UC Berkeley (Ph.D. 1963)
Dissertation title: Vegetation of the California coast redwood region in relation to gradients of moisture, nutrients, light, and temperature
Adviser: Jack Major (C)
Other influences:  Egolfs Bakuzis, Don Lawrence (M. S.), Edward Stone (Ph.D); Jerry Franklin, Richard Walker, Tom Hinckley, Paul Jarvis, Joe Landsberg, David Whitehead, Sune Linder (early career). See below.
Teaching history: Oregon State 1963-2001 (became emeritus)
Ph.D. students: Ken Reed, Bill Emmingham, Henry Gholz, Pam Matson, John Marshall, Ram Oren, Hank Margolis, Mike Ryan, Cathy Rose, Barbara Bond, Beverly Law, Jeanne Panek, Jennifer Swenson, Wendy Peterman
Others influenced: (Master’s)  Brian Cleary, Tom Atzet, Robert Logan, Steve Running, Val Jaffe, John Runyon, Paula (Fong) Reid; (Post-doc) Joanne Nightingale; (other) Steve Running
External links: OSU webpage | Autobiography in science
Additional comments (RHW): “Egolfs Bakuzis at the University of Minnesota was the most influential mentor at the Univ. of Minn. He encouraged me to read the literature, including that in German and French; he introduced me to European science, and what real scholarship demanded.
Don Lawrence, a professor in Botany, encouraged and helped me improve my writing.
Edward Stone at U.C. Berkeley was my mentor in physiological ecology. My goal was to quantify environmental gradients via responses that plants actually sensed. Stone supported me in by providing access to growth rooms, greenhouse, and to associate with his graduate students.
When I arrived at Oregon State University, Jerry Franklin and I developed a friendship and mutual respect that was special. We differ in approaches, to say the least. But we worked well together in the Coniferous Forest Biome and starting the LTER on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest.
Richard Walker in the Botany Dept. at Univ. of Washington was a special mentor, introducing me to Delef Schulze, Otto Lange, and other Europeans; he also helped integrate work in WA with that in OR during the IBP.
Tom Hinckley, Paul Jarvis, Joe Landsberg, David Whitehead, and Sune Linder met early in our respective careers (1970-73) and remained colleagues and friends for life. Landsberg and I developed the 3-PG process-based growth model (most cited paper in Forest Ecol. & Management).
While in Australia, I asked Nicholas Coops (CSIRO), whom I had met while visiting Steve Running, if he could develop a spatial format for 3-PG. He did, and following 9 months as a visiting scientist at OSU, has gone on to lead remote sensing in Canada. We have published >25 articles, mostly since I retired.
Steve Running, University of Montana, considers me the intellectual grandfather of his program“