Introducing Inclusive Ecology’s New Vice Chair

Hello!  My name is Lindsey (Lyndxe) Zakopal.  I am a PhD student at UC Riverside, and initiated the formation of the ESA SEEDS chapter at my undergrad institution, The Evergreen State College, in Olympia, WA.  There, I became passionate about inclusivity for underrepresented groups in ecology and environmental science, and have continued to be an advocate for both myself and others throughout my experience within ESA.  I am thrilled to be elected as Vice-Chair of the ESA Inclusivity section and hope to continue to bridge gaps and increase support, acceptance, and a foster a welcoming environment for those around me.  I’m always open to new ideas, collaboration, and interacting with individuals from an array of backgrounds with unique experiences.  Please feel free to reach out to me ( with any ideas, suggestions, or if I can help you out in any way!