We are pleased to inform you that the IPBES thematic Assessment on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production has been released and is available to download on the IPBES website at https://goo.gl/QKpaZ4.
A Science Policy Forum article that builds on the work of the Assessment was published last Friday: “Ten policies for pollinators.” A Nature review was published this Monday: “Safeguarding pollinators and their values to human well-being”.
IPBES will be hosting an IPBES pollination side-event at the CBD COP13 in Mexico, on Tuesday, 6 December 2016, presenting key finding and messages from the Assessment, with a focus on informing national action plans and implementation.
Please share the report and its Summary for Policymakers (SPM) with your networks, institutions and associates. We count on your assistance to help ensure its widest possible reach and greatest impact.
To learn more about the pollination assessment, visit IPBES Pollination.
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