IPBES invites governments, experts, and other stakeholders to participate in a web conference whose objective is to review and further explore knowledge gaps and discuss knowledge needs and priorities regarding land degradation and restoration.
This web conference will build on the knowledge gaps identified in the IPBES Assessment Report on Land Degradation and Restoration. It will provide an interactive, transparent and inclusive platform for the discussion of these gaps, the consultation on knowledge needs of policymakers and practitioners, and the identification of priority areas for relevant knowledge generation. The ultimate objective is to inform research, policy and funding agencies, and to catalyze the generation of new knowledge. The overall scope includes gaps and needs related to data, information, knowledge and infrastructure.
The three-week web conference will take place from January 14th to February 4th, 2019, and be moderated by the Co-Chairs of the Land Degradation and Restoration Assessment, Robert Scholes and Luca Montanarella.
The proceedings of the web conference will include a list of suggested priority knowledge needs.
The proposed conference format is as follows:
- (January 14): Introductory webinar: Presentation of knowledge gaps identified by the Assessment and conference overview
- Week 1 (Jan 14–18): Identifying knowledge gaps: Invitation for feedback on knowledge gaps identified
- Week 2 (Jan 21–25): Prioritizing knowledge needs: Reflecting on knowledge needs in practice and policy
- Week 3 (Jan 28–Feb 1): Addressing knowledge needs: Seeking suggestions on how to address knowledge needs
- (February 4): Concluding webinar: Synthesis of contributions
More information on the web conference can be found on the IPBES website. Interested participants are kindly asked to register via the online registration form. Once registration has been approved, the secretariat will send a confirmation email and further information about the web conference.
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