Chapter News
Please follow us on twitter:
We have a new board!
Please join me in thanking in advance these amazing people for accepting the challenge of serving our chapter:
- Alejandra Martínez Blancas (co-chair, UNAM, Mexico)
- Arona Bender (co-chair, Hampton U., US/Guyana)
- Rosa McGuire (secretary, UCLA, US/Peru)
- Olivia Tabares Mendoza (media person, UNAM, Mexico)
- Marcel Caritá Vaz (web master, UCLA, US/Brazil)
Best talk and poster awards
This year’s best talk and poster awards go to…
- Stephanie Coronado, from U. Nevada, for her talk Mutualism between ants and plants enhances caterpillar diversity via differential assembly of specialists and generalists.
- Jiahui Li, from UCLA, for her poster Is there a latitudinal gradient in sapling growth strategies?
Please check for yourselves and leave these great researchers some praise.
Member participation directory
We tried our best to compile the participation of our members in all their different forms in this year’s meeting.
The information can be found in this spreadsheet. Please consider attending their live sessions and leaving supportive feedback!
Our symposium at this year’s meeting
We are excited to announce that our Symposium proposal for the 2021 annual meeting was accepted:
Navigating a gender-biased world: Lessons from the experiences of women in ecology across cultures and generations
The live discussion session took place from 7 to 8 am (Pacific time) on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021, but you can find the recording here (starting at the 33:40 mark).
Thank you so much Alejandra, Arona and Verónica for taking the lead in organizing this wonderful symposium, and of course for our amazing speakers for their really inspiring talks and discussion.
Our newest update at the ESA Bulletin is out
Please check out the newest updates on our chapter’s acitvities that just got published in the ESA Bulletin: Human Dimensions: The Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter of ESA. Embracing Our Diversity During Adverse Times. A big shout out to Felipe Mello for leading this initiative and to all current and past board members for all their help.
Logo contest: we have a winner!
In 2020, the members of The Latin America Chapter of the ESA voted to change the chapter name to Latin American and the Caribbean Chapter (ESA-LAC Chapter). To mark the occasion, the ESA – LAC Chapter has announced a competition to design an even more inclusive logo to be used for future chapter purposes. We now proudly announce the winning logo (together with some variations) generously made by our talented member Andriele dos Santos. Thank you so much and great job, Andriele!

Virtual mixer at ESA-2020.
Welcome to the new members of our board:
- Diogo Provete (chair, UFMS, Brazil)
- Alejandra Martínez Blancas (media, UNAM, Mexico)
- Arona Bender (student liaison, Hampton U., US/Guyana)
- Felipe Mello (secretary, Marquette U., US/Brazil)
- Marcel Vaz (vice-chair, UCLA, US/Brazil)
And the best poster and talk awards of 2020 go to…
- Agostina Torres, from Argentina (Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente, CONICET), for her excellent talk: Inverse priority effects: Towards a framework for understanding the importance of the order and timing of invasive species removal.
- Carmen Vázquez Ribera and Alejandra Martínez Blancas, both from Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) for their posters: Testing different hypotheses about the effects of grazing on grassland plant diversity: competitive release is the main mechanism AND Changes in competition and facilitation along hydric stress and phylogenetic distance gradients in a diverse semiarid grassland, respectively.
Great work!
Congratulations to our ESA 2020 Latin American Chapter registration grant winners!
- Viviane Zulian (Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó, Brazil)
- Sonja Glasser (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
- Maria Eugenia Espinosa Flores (Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico)
- Alejandra Arana (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru)
- Agostina Torres (Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente, Argentina)
- Jacob Cristobal-Perez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Congratulations to our ESA 2019 Latin American Chapter Travel award winners!
- Verónica Zepeda (Universidad Autónoma de Mexico)
- Pedro M. Tognetti (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Felipe Mello (Marquette University)
- Eric Fuchs (Universidad de Costa Rica)
- Francisco E. Fontúrbel (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)