Student Awards and Call for Judges MAESA Stockton University, April 22, 2017

Student Awards and Call for Judges, MAESA Meeting, Stockton University, April 22, 2017.


We need volunteers to judge up to 3 papers/posters at the ESA Mid-Atlantic Chapter annual meeting (we may ask judges to judge more papers if we don’t cover all presentations by a certain date). Please contact the Chapter Secretary, Astrid Caldas ( if you are willing to volunteer (sorry, students may not serve as judges).

Once the program is in place after April 3, the Secretary will send out the link to a google doc to volunteer judges, who will select the papers/posters they wish to judge.

Chapter Student Awards

1st  Place,  2nd  Place and Honorable Mention for undergrad and grad students for best posters and papers (12 awards total).

1st Place – $200.00 (+ $800.00 to travel to National ESA meeting)

2nd Place – $150.00

Honorable Mention – $100.00

Conference Announcement