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The Natural History Section was established in 2010 to promote the value, improve the practice, grow the community and increase the application of natural history within and beyond the discipline of Ecology. Our objectives include encouraging the practice and integration of natural history in ecological research and education; sponsoring meetings, activities, awards, and publications that embrace and promote natural history; and broadening participation in the section to include academics and non-academics alike.

Join us!

Membership in the Natural History Section is free when you join ESA or renew your membership.

Current Section Officers

Chair – Susannah Lerman (US Forest Service)

Vice-Chair – Lou Weber   (University of St. Francis)

Secretary – Mariana Abarca (Smith College)

Social Media Coordinator – Rachel Maria Portillo (Stanford University)

Members-at-large Noah Charney (Harvard University),  Richard Nevle (Stanford University) & Nigel Golden (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Past-chair –  Tom Fleischner (Natural History Institute)


E-mail: esanaturalhistory [at] gmail [dot] com

Facebook: @esanaturalhistory

Twitter: @esanathist