Teaching and Mentoring
Course and syllabus information
Physiological Ecology
Ecology/Field Labs
Ecosystem Studies
Global Change
Teaching and mentoring links
4 Steps to a Memorable Teaching Philosophy – article from The Chronicle for Higher Education
Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend – a 1997 publication from the National Academies on being a mentor to students in science and engineering
AAAS Education Programs
Council on Undergraduate Research – their focus is to strengthen the research programs of faculty at predominantly undergraduate institutions, and to promote research by undergraduates in all scientific settings. They are very interested in new faculty mentorship.
Duke Center for Instructional Technology – includes ideas for improving your teaching with technology
ESA EcoEdNet – a portal to locate, contribute, and disseminate ecology education resources.
ESA’s Education and Diversity Programs
ESA’s Education Section
Education: Time to teach – article by Paul Smaglik from Nature, 9/21/2011
EELinked – Environmental Education on the Internet, a resource designed to support students, teachers, and professionals that support K-12 environmental education, such as media specialists, inservice providers, nature center staff, and curriculum developers.
Faculty forum: How does teaching improve your research? – pdf article from The Teaching Exchange, Brown University, 9/2009
Graduate student mentoring: be more than an advisor – advice from Penn State
Graduate Students’ Teaching Experiences Improve Their Methodological Research Skills – report in Science, 9/19/2011
How to Teach Adults – a free eBook by Dan Spalding
Mastering Your Ph.D.: Mentors, Leadership, and Community
Mentoring of Ph.D. Students – from Columbia University
Ph.D. Completion Project – addresses the issues surrounding Ph.D. completion and attrition
Ph.D. Supply and Demand – article from Inside Higher Ed
Project Kaleidoscope – committed to strengthening undergraduate education in science. They have been bringing people together (faculty, deans, program officials) to discuss what works and implement it.
Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology – a peer-reviewed publication of ecological education materials by ESA
The junior senior supervisor – short article from Nature (2010)
Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology – a 1999 publication from the National Academies
A Wakeup Call for Science Faculty – a 2005 commentary in Cell by Bruce Alberts about teaching introductory science courses
Western Guide to Graduate Supervision (pdf) and Western Guide to Mentoring Graduate Students Across Cultures (pdf) – handbooks from the University of Western Ontario for graduate supervisors who work with students from cultures around the world
Please e-mail if you have course syllabi or notes on the web in any of the above areas. Thanks!