Service Providers
- Boston University Stable Isotope Laboratory – analysis of a broad range of samples using a Finnigan Delta-S isotope ratio mass spectrometer and two elemental analyzers
- Clemson University Agricultural Service Laboratory – nutrient analysis of soils, plants, water, and waste materials.
- Clemson University Multi-User Analytical Laboratory – analyses include plant/microbe metabolite analysis (including metabolite profiling and associated multivariate data analysis), microbial identification using fatty acid profiles using various chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques, and mineral nutrient analysis of soil samples.
- Colorado Plateau Stable Isotope Laboratory – based at Northern Arizona University, analyses of C, N, S, O, and H stable isotopes.
- Colorado State University EcoCore Analytical Services – elemental, molecular, microbial, and isotopic analyses of soil, plant, water and other environmental samples.
- Cornell University Stable Isotope Laboratory (COIL) – isotope ratio measurements for 13C, 15N, 18O, and HD for a variety of sample types (both natural abundance and enriched).
- Duke EnVironmental stable Isotope Lab (DEVIL) – analysis of stable isotopes of H, C, N, and O with two Finnigan MAT Delta Plus XL continuous flow mass spectrometer systems. Contact Jon Karr,, 919-660-7418.
- Idaho Stable Isotopes Laboratory – stable isotopic analyses of plant and animal tissue for δ13C and δ15N, at natural abundance or micro enrichment levels for tracer studies. Finnigan-MAT, Delta+ IRMS.
- ISOGEOCHEM – includes links to university and commercial isotope labs
- Kansas State University Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Laboratory – isotopic and elemental analysis of C, N, O, and H in organic and inorganic phases (solids, liquids, and gases) with a ThermoFinnigan Delta Plus mass spec.
- LSU AgCenter Soil Testing & Plant Analysis Lab – offers a variety of soil, plant tissue and water tests to the general public and research community.
- MBL Stable Isotope Laboratory – stable isotope analysis (13C and 15N) for research and industry using a dual-inlet Finnigan MAT Delta S and a continuous-flow PDZ Europa 20-20.
- North Carolina State University – Environmental And Agricultural Testing Service – analyses for a variety of sample matrices including plant tissue, solids, solid wastes, liquid extracts, water, and waste water.
- North Carolina State University – Soil Physical Properties Laboratory – particle size and soil water retention analyses.
- Ohio State University Service Testing and Research Laboratory – chemical analyses of environmental and agricultural samples.
- Oklahoma State University Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory – soil testing, plant analysis, animal waste, and water tests.
- Penn State University Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory – provides a wide range of testing programs for soils, water, plants, biosolids, and other agricultural materials.
- Stable Isotopes in Nature Laboratory (SIN Lab) – established in 1999 in the Department of Biology at the University of New Brunswick. Finnigan Mat Delta plus and Finnigan Mat Delta plus XP for the analysis of stable isotopes of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur, plus O18 and H/D.
- Stable isotope laboratories around the world – long list of links to labs throughout the world from Isogeochem.
- Texas A&M University Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory – analyses of soil, water, plant/forage, and biosolids/manure.
- University of Arkansas Stable Isotope Laboratory (UASIL) – established in 2000. Glenn Piercey, Lab Manager, Phone 479-575-2543
- University of California, Berkeley Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry – Finnigan-MAT Delta Plus XL and PDZ Europa Scientific 20/20 mass spectrometer for analysis of H/D water, 18O (in water and organics), and 13C/15N.
- University of California Davis ANR Analytical Laboratory – performs analyses on selected chemical constituents of soil, plant, water and waste water, and feed.
- University of California Davis Stable Isotope Facility – analysis of stable isotopes of H, C, N, and O in a wide variety of sample forms at natural abundance or tracer levels. Continuous flow IRMS and dual inlet IRMS available. Contact: David Harris, 530-754-7517,
- University of California Irvine Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory – facility includes a compact AMS particle accelerator from National Electrostatics Corporation (NEC 0.5MV 1.5SDH-2 AMS system) for measuring radiocarbon, a dedicated companion instrument (Finnegan Delta Plus stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer) for measuring carbon stable isotope ratios (δ13C/12C), and a sample preparation laboratory to pre-treat, combust, hydrolyze, or graphitize radiocarbon samples.
- University of Georgia Stable Isotope/Soil Biology Laboratory – nutirient and isotope analyses. Tom Maddox, Research Coordinator. Phone 706-542-6023.
- University of Utah Stable Isotope Ratio Facility For Environmental Research (SIRFER) – four stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers. Contact Craig Cook, 801-581-4654,
- University of Wyoming Stable Isotope Facility – two Finnigan Delta+XP continuous flow inlet Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers, a Micromass Optima Dual Inlet IRMS, and a Micromass IsoPrime continuous flow IRMS, all configured for the analysis of H, C, N, and O.
- Utah State University Analytical Labs (USUAL) – soil testing, plant analysis, feed analysis, irrigation water quality. Janice Kotuby-Amacher, Director, 435-797-0008,
- Washington State University Stable Isotope Core Facility. Established in 2005 and specializing in C, N, H, O, S isotopes. R. Dave Evans, Director, Benjamin Harlow, Manager. (509) 335-6154.
Please email suitable information to Rob Jackson.