PPE Newsletter
Plant Population Ecology Newsletter
July 2021
Dear PPE members,
As the ESA Annual Meeting approaches, we would like to call your attention to the following section updates and important news items.
1. Please join us in congratulating this year’s award winners!
Lina Aragón, Danielle De La Pascua, Alejandra Martínez-Blancas, Jacob Moutouama, Zhe Ren, and Verónica Zepeda each received a Student Registration Grant to participate in the ESA Annual Meeting.
Aubrie James received the Postdoctoral Excellence Award for the paper “Species-specific variation in germination rates contributes to spatial coexistence more than adult plant water use in four closely related annual flowering plants” published in 2020 in Journal of Ecology with co-authors Timothy Burnette, Jasmine Mack, David James, Vincent Eckhart, and Monica Geber.
We thank AoB PLANTS for generously providing the $500 prize associated with this award. You can read more about AoB PLANTS, a non-profit, sound science, open access journal for plant-focused research here: https://academic.oup.com/aobpla
2. All are welcome to join our Mixer at the Annual Meeting, which will be held online via Zoom on August 4, 2021 from 3:30-4:30 PDT (link will be provided via ESA’s online conference program). We will recognize our award winners and make a few announcements.
3. Highlighted members: Have you read an exciting plant ecology paper by an early-career PPE member? We welcome nominations for Highlighted Early Career Members at any time (including self-nominations; https://esa.org/plantpopulation/?page_id=182). So, please nominate your early-career (student, post-doctoral, or faculty) colleagues by sending a brief email to Secretary Gaurav Kandlikar (gkandlikar@missouri.edu) stating why a particular paper should be highlighted and the career stage of the early-career author.
4. Please consider making a monetary donation to the PPE Section in support of our student travel and post-doc awards. Monetary donations are tax-deductible, and ESA will provide a letter to this effect. To make a donation to the section, simply mail a check to ESA (Elizabeth Biggs, Ecological Society of America, 1990 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036) and include a note that the donation is for the Plant Population Ecology Section.
5. You can also stay up to date with section news, job postings, and more by following the section’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/plantpopecol), webpage (https://esa.org/plantpopulation/), and Twitter account (@PlantPopEco_ESA).
Best wishes,
Nicole, Matt, and Gaurav
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