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Plant Population Ecology Student Travel/Registration Awards – Due April 30, 2025 

The ESA Plant Population Ecology section plans to award 3-4 travel awards of $200 – 300 each to graduate student members of the section to attend the 2025 annual meeting in person.  Applications are due April 30, 2025  before midnight (PDT).  


To apply, please complete the following form:

Selection process:

Applications will be evaluated based on relevance of research interests and goals, financial need, and the potential for attendance to advance research and professional goals.  These criteria will be used to rank applications into priority funding groups (high/medium/low) and then names will be randomly selected from within funding groups to select awardees.  


Past Student Travel Award recipients

2024 Cole Doolittle, Nadejda Sero, Madeleine Wallace
2023 Tianna Barber-Cross, Cole Doolittle, Julia Kachanova,  Nadejda Sero, Taylor Zallek
2022 Lina Aragón, Joshua Fowler, Emily Holden, Jacob Moutouama, Jack Sytsma, Takuji Usui
2021 Lina Aragón, Danielle De La Pascua, Alejandra Martínez-Blancas, Jacob Moutouama, Zhe Ren, and Verónica Zepeda
2020 Sade Perez Partridge, Alejandra Martínez-Blancas, Verónica Zepeda
2019 Meredith Zettlemoyer, Marcel Vaz, Gaurav Kandlikar, Sarah Johnson, Laura Bogar, Tsung Fung Au
2018 Charlotte Brown, Rebecca Dalton, Julie Davis, Anna Farrell, Gaurav Kandlikar, Josh Scholl, Soren Struckman
2017 Aubrie James, Joshua Lynn, Callie Oldfield, Nikki Forrester
2016 Janelle Eck, Marion Holmes, Shivani Jadeja, Melanie Kazenel, Deirdre Loughnan, Sarah Richman, Matthew Tye
2015 Charlotte C. Trowbridge, Laura Doubleday, Jessica Kettenbach, Gabriella L. Pardee, Jay W. Wason III, Kimberley Taylor, Y. Anny Chung
2014 Zak Gezon, Jeremy Johnson, Brittany West Marsden, Nana Zhang
2013 Kelsey Yule, Megan Sebasky, Miranda Redmond, Will Petry, Kane Keller, Jessica Pratt
2012 Kristin Powell, Juan Alvarez-Yepiz, Will Petry, Matthew Kaproth, Anny Yan-Yi Chung, Bennett
2011 Christopher Bowman-Prideaux, Scott Chamberlain, Aldo Compagnoni, Kimberly Kellett, Abigail Kula, Sean Michaletz, Ian Pfingsten, Rob Strahan
2010 Aaron David; other awardee(s) unknown
2009 Two awards; awardees unknown
2008 Katherine Gerst
2007 Kristen Hladun
2006 Melanie Barnes, Erika Hersch, Kristen Hladun, Abigail Kula, Somereet Nijjer
2005 Kristin Anton, Richard Lankau, Lori Spindler
2004 Amy Blair, Beth Lawrence


Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology 

The Plant Population Ecology (PPE) section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) hopes to offer the Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology again in 2025. Check back in March 2025 for details.

This award has been sponsored by the journal AoB PLANTS, and recognizes a distinguished journal contribution to plant population ecology within the past three years by a postdoctoral member of the PPE section. 

Established in 2010 and published by Oxford University Press, AoB PLANTS is a non-profit, open-access journal specializing in environmental and evolutionary plant biology. The journal has distinguished Advisory and Editorial Boards, renders first decisions on manuscripts in an average of 30-40 days, and has a 2019 Impact Factor score of 2.18.

Past Postdoctoral Excellence Award recipients

2024 Jacob K. Moutouama, for the paper “Effects of range and niche position on the population dynamics of a tropical plant
2023 Gregor Siegmund, for the paper “Statistical inference for seed mortality and germination with seed bank experiments
2022 Eric Scott, for the paper “Delayed effects of climate on vital rates lead to demographic divergence in Amazonian forest fragments
2021 Aubrie James, for the paper “Species-specific variation in germination rates contributes to spatial coexistence more than adult plant water use in four closely related annual flowering plants
2020 Po-Ju Ke
2019 Susana Wadgymar
2018 Robert Shriver
2017 William Petry
2016 Jenni McDonald
2015 Eugenio Larios
2014 Jennifer Gremer
2013 Rupesh Kariyat; Roberto Salguero-Gomez (Honorable Mention)
2012 Jennifer Williams