ESA Policy Section Business Meeting: August 9, 2016
** If you have suggestions/thoughts on the following topics discussed at the business meeting please email us at! We’d love to hear from you! **
Officer Elections
- Nominations open until September 20, 2016 for Chair, Chair-elect, and Secretary (one year terms, Fall 2016 – Summer 2017).
Section Awards
- Offer travel awards to one student and one early career scientist.
- Why? Twofold: (1) recognize policy impact of research/science or engagement with decision-makers, and (2) promote the ESA Policy Section (a tiebreaker could be membership in our section)
- Need more suggestions to define award criteria, judging, and timeline.
- Set up an Award Committee to be ready when first abstracts are due in February 2017.
Planning for ESA 2017 in Portland, OR
- Special Session for a panel of invited folks from local, state, and regional institutions/organization who work at the boundary of science and policy.
- Could use some funds to provide lunch (SS are typically during lunch time).
- Proposals due November 17.
- If you have local ecology/policy connections in the Pacific Northwest region, or know anyone who may be interested let us know!
Engaging with our membership
- Dynamic spreadsheet with Policy Section members – names, contact info, position, organization, and fellowships he/she has received.
- Use Google forms to obtain this information (by filling out the form they are saying “ok” to have this info online) and then another question if folks want to contact them.
- Could turn into more formal mentoring down the road if a lot of people are willing to be included.
- Make fellowships list on website “dynamic” as well into a spreadsheet with deadlines, funding amounts, possible people to contact, etc
- Created a new Gmail account:
- Mentorship program: for now, partner with Student and Early Career sections.