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Policy Awards

Policy Section Travel Support Awards

The Policy Section offers travel support awards to encourage student attendance at the annual ESA meeting. These awards target students presenting policy-related posters or talks at the meeting who could not otherwise afford to attend. Note that simple allusion to potential use of research results for policy is not considered a policy-related paper. The submission must show positive impact on the formation or execution of public policy or decision making, including research and education that helps bridge the science- policy interface.

Policy Section Travel Support Awards

The following two (2) awards will be given:

  • Best paper (poster or oral presentation) – undergraduate: $400
  • Best paper (poster or oral presentation) – graduate: $400


  • You must be a member of ESA and the Policy Section.
  • You must be enrolled as a student (undergraduate, Masters or Ph.D).
  • You must be in good academic standing (GPA of ≥3.00).
  • You must attend The Policy Section Special Session (Monday, August 6th 2018, 10:15-11:30am) at the annual meeting to receive your award.
  • Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Volunteer Policy Section members (sorry, students cannot be judges) will evaluate applications based on submission quality and relevance, professional achievements and demonstrated need. We strongly discourage applicants who have access to funding for the meeting.

Submit your application to by 5 pm EST, of July 15th, 2021. The applicant must submit the application package as a single PDF file named “lastname_firstname ESA-Policy travel award 2018” in one email with the subject “ESA-Policy travel award 2018”.

Application package (single PDF) must include:

  1. Abstract acceptance confirmation
  2. Proof of enrollment in an institution of higher education
  3. Proof of good academic standing (GPA of ≥3.00)
  4. A CV of the applicant
  5. A letter of reference from the student’s advisor or mentor attesting to the student’s need for travel support, mentioning any other sources of funding