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Publication Fee Overview

Authors of papers accepted for publication are responsible for publication charges, with the exception of:

  • In Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, page charges apply only to Research Communications, Reviews, and Concepts and Questions article categories (page charges do not apply to Letters).
  • In the ESA Bulletin, papers are published Open Access at no charge, but any external data repository fees apply.

Open Access

  • For all papers in Ecosphere and Earth Stewardship
  • Optional for papers in Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, and Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

After final files are conveyed to the publisher, the corresponding author will receive an email from Wiley Author Services where the paper can be published Open Access by making a payment or connecting the paper with a funder that covers payment.

For current pricing and other discounts offered by Wiley please visit the publication charges summary in Wiley’s Author Services center.

Open Access Discount Codes

A discount is available for ESA members in the role of corresponding author; qualifying authors who are ESA members may find their discount code through the following steps:

  • From the home page, click on the “Member Tools” tab and choose “ESA Journals Member Information” from the drop-down menu.
  • Log in to your membership account when prompted (if you are not already logged in).
  • On the page that opens, scroll down to the “Open Access Option” heading (bottom right section), where you will find the specific journal discount codes. If you require assistance in this process, please contact ESA Membership staff.

Page Charges

For papers in Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, and Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment which do not purchase Open Access, charges of $75.00 (US$) per typeset PDF page are assessed (with the exception of Letters in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment). This is about ¼ of the actual processing costs. All papers (including Special Features, Forums, and invited papers) are subject to page charges unless the author is otherwise informed by ESA.

ESA members without grants, institutional monies, or personal funding may apply for a grant to cover these costs from Society funds by submitting the application provided with page proofs. ESA grants are available only to ESA members in the role of corresponding author for a maximum of 21 pages per calendar year under the following terms. ESA grants may cover the charges for no more than 15 pages per author per year published in Ecology, Ecological Applications, and Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, or 21 pages per author per year in Ecological Monographs.

Example: A qualifying author could use 6 grant pages for Ecology, 9 grant pages in Frontiers, and 6 grant pages in Ecological Monographs, resulting in 15 grant pages in Ecology and Frontiers plus 6 grant pages in Ecological Monographs for a total of 21 grant pages in the calendar year.

Invoices are provided to corresponding authors after publication, with payment arrangements handled by the publisher, John Wiley & Sons. Authors are reminded that many granting agencies have allowances for publication charges beyond grant expiration.

Data Repository Fees

Authors depositing data and/or code in repositories to meet ESA’s Open Research requirements are responsible for any fees charged by the repository, with the exception of authors publishing in Ecological Monographs who deposit data in Dryad (see “Ecological Monographs Dryad Sponsorship” below).

Ecological Monographs Data Charge

Every paper accepted for publication in Ecological Monographs will incur a $50 data subsidy fee. This charge is in addition to the Open Access or Page Charge fee paid for the paper’s publication.

Ecological Monographs Dryad Sponsorship

Authors publishing in Ecological Monographs are able to deposit their associated data packages into the Dryad Digital Repository and will not be charged the base processing fee by Dryad. These submitters will be billed an excess storage fee for Dryad data packages that exceed 20 GB.