Open Research
ESA has adopted a society-wide Open Research Policy for its publications to further support scientific exploration and preservation, allow a full assessment of published research, and streamline policies across our family of journals. An open research policy provides full transparency for scientific data and code, facilitates replication and synthesis, and aligns ESA journals with current standards. As of 1 February 2021, all new manuscript submissions to ESA journals must abide by the following policy.
As a condition for publication in ESA journals, all underlying data and novel statistical code pertinent to the results presented in the publication must be made available in a permanent, publicly accessible data archive or repository upon acceptance of a manuscript, with rare exceptions (see the “Details” tab for more information). Archived data and novel statistical code should be sufficiently complete to allow replication of tables, graphs, and statistical analyses reported in the original publication, and perform new or meta-analyses. As such, the desire of authors to control additional research with these data and/or code shall not be grounds for withholding material.
Thus, for the purpose of this policy, the following underlying material is required:
- Raw data and metadata used to generate tables, figures, plots, videos/animations
- Novel code or computer software utilized to generate results or analyses
- All methods or protocols utilized to generate the data, both existing (including references) and new methods/protocols
- Derived data products
Please review the full overview of our Open Research policy for instructions on preparing your material and crafting an Open Research statement.