Wind Energy and Wildlife in the U.S.: State-of-the-Science and Recommendations for Future Research
Wednesday, October 30
1:00 PM EDT
A new report in Issues in Ecology, “Impacts to Wildlife of Wind Energy Siting and Operation in the U.S.,” provides a peer-reviewed synthesis of current, accurate information about the benefits of wind energy, adverse impacts of wind energy to wildlife, efforts to find solutions, and recommended focus for future research. Authored by 13 experts in wind energy and wildlife science, the publication distills the results of 25 years of focused research resulting from collaboration among the wind energy industry, state and federal agencies, conservation and science groups, and academia. This webinar will provide an overview of key highlights from the report, discussing the benefits of wind energy, what we know about interactions between wind energy and wildlife, priorities for future research, and the value of robust science in wind-wildlife decision making. There will be opportunity for Q&A and discussion.
Presented by:
- Taber Allison, American Wind Wildlife Institute
- Jay Diffendorfer, U.S. Geological Survey
- Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute