Publication Process Overview: Ecology, Ecological Applications, & Ecological Monographs
The outline below explains the production steps for publication of an accepted manuscript in ESA’s hybrid journals (“hybrid” journals are subscription-based publications that include both open access and subscription-only content). These steps are immutable. At each stage papers are handled in the order in which they reach the stage.
ESA partners with John Wiley & Sons for production and publication.
- Questions for processes handled by ESA may be directed to ESA’s production staff.
- Questions for processes handled by Wiley should be directed to Wiley, but only after the files are conveyed to them for handling. Please use the following journal-specific Wiley email address: Ecology,; Ecological Applications,; Ecological Monographs,
For an outline of the steps at Ecosphere, please visit
Publication Process Overview: Ecology, Ecological Applications, & Ecological Monographs
1. Accept decision, publicity details, and final file request
- ESA emails the Subject-matter Editor’s acceptance letter to the contact author
- ESA emails a publicity overview to the contact author
- ESA emails the contact author requesting finalized material for the production and publication process, providing a checklist of final items for author review
- Author completes any data/code archiving necessary for ESA Open Research policy
- Author prepares final submission and provides final files and data/code archiving details to ESA in ScholarOne via “Manuscripts Accepted for First Look” step
- ESA checks final submission in ScholarOne for minimum production requirements
- When approved, files are conveyed to the publisher (John Wiley & Sons) and the contact author is notified
- If adjustments are needed, these are requested from the contact author, and this step may be repeated until meeting the minimum production requirements
4. License options presented to author
- John Wiley & Sons (the publisher) receives the final materials from ESA and assigns a DOI to the paper
- John Wiley & Sons contacts the corresponding author with license agreement options
- Author completes a license agreement in Wiley Author Services
- Authors choosing Open Access can make payment arrangements with Wiley Author Services, with discount codes available to ESA members in the role of corresponding author; current discount codes are available to ESA members when logged into the membership portal on
- Authors whose payments are covered through an institutional or funder agreement with John Wiley & Sons can complete those arrangements at this stage
- John Wiley & Sons arranges for and oversees copyediting of the main manuscript (Supporting Information is not copy edited nor typeset)
- John Wiley & Sons arranges for and oversees typesetting of the main manuscript in HTML and PDF formats in preparation for proofing and publication and provides proofs to authors
- Author reviews proofs in both HTML and PDF format via the publisher’s online proofing platform
- Author completes a final billing agreement (provided with proofs) if the paper is not published Open Access, naming a single billing contact to receive the invoice for any final charges due
- Author may complete the ESA Page Charge Grant application for ESA members, provided with page proofs, if needing to use that service
- John Wiley & Sons finalizes the paper following receipt of the author’s proof corrections
- John Wiley & Sons publishes the paper in the current issue release
- ESA finalizes cover photo selection prior to each new issue release using a paper from the previous month’s issue and notifies the author selected for the cover
- John Wiley & Sons begins the current issue at the start of each month in which that journal releases an issue, with the completed journal cover, and publishes papers to that current issue
- John Wiley & Sons closes the issue at the end of the issue period (Ecology publishes monthly; Ecological Applications publishes 8 issues per year; Ecological Monographs publishes 4 issues per year)
- Publication is online only
- Authors, journalists, and press officers may issue publicity at any time after the paper’s online release
- If the paper was not published Open Access and payment is due, John Wiley & Sons provides the invoice to the named billing contact via email (timing varies)