The Researchers at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) Section of ESA is dedicated to supporting scientists with significant teaching loads in their roles as ecological researchers. Our group provides opportunities for networking with other scientists working at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) and organizes events at the ESA annual meetings that address topics such as the challenges of maintaining active research programs at PUIs, ways to do productive research with undergraduates and strategies for obtaining research funding in the PUI environment. The RUI section also works to ensure that PUI scientists and their students are appropriately included in national ecological research initiatives. Finally, we welcome interactions with early-career scientists who are interested in working at PUIs.
Please note that our website is undergoing major revisions – check back soon for a new look and exciting content, including a database of section members, and a grants database targeting RUIs. (as of Nov. 2, 2015)
Current Officers (as of August 2015)
- Current Chair: Cameron Douglass, Trinity College – please contact him with any you have questions about the section (cameron.douglass@trincoll.edu)
- Past Chair: Anne Alerding, Virginia Military Institute (AlerdingAB@vmi.edu)
- Vice Chair: Daniel Scholes, University of Indianapolis (scholesd@uindy.edu)
- Secretary/Webmaster: Csengele Barta, Missouri Western State University – please contact her with any questions or suggestions on our website (cbarta1@missouriwestern.edu)