Harnessing the ecological data revolution

WHEN August 2nd - Friday, August 7 2020

ESA’s 2020 Annual Meeting is virtual!

ESA will be holding a totally virtual Annual Meeting this year from August 3–6 in response to the pandemic. The virtual meeting will provide four days of inspiration and community, an opportunity to focus on your research and your career, and a way to connect with colleagues and leaders from across the field. Below are frequently asked questions about the virtual meeting.

Explore the program

Looking for the 2021 Annual Meeting?

Official logo of the 2021 Annual Meeting

This Year's Meeting

Theme for 2020
Important Deadlines

ESA watch party 2020

The Meeting Experience

Video Invitations


Promotional, Sponsorship, & Advertising
Exhibitor Opportunities

Social media

Thank you to the meeting sponsors!

Gold Level Sponsors


Licor logo

NEON Operated by Battelle

The official National Science Foundation is located to the blue text labeled: Neon, Operated by Battelle.

New Phytologist Trust

New Phytologist Trust

U.S. Geological Survey


Silver Level Sponsors

Campbell Scientific

Logo with the slogan: when measurements matter

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

The letters ORAU represent Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

Onset - HOBO Data Loggers

HOBO by Onset

XPRIZE Foundation

Logo with the words X PRIZE rain forest.