Welcome to the SEEDS 20th Anniversary report!

A celebration of 20 years of work


Welcome to our 20th Anniversary site!  The Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) Presidential award-winning program of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) strives to introduce greater diversity in the field of Ecology. In our Anniversary report, we celebrate and share the amazing stories and characters that have made SEEDS over the 20 years of life changing experiences. The SEEDS program is all about people – people with a vision, a commitment and a joy – for the diversity of people and ideas!  As we look back, we are humbled by the number of institutions and people who have supported and cared for SEEDS since the earliest years when SEEDS began in 1996 with seven Historically Black Colleges and Universities.  This site is built with much appreciation from our hearts to all our students, alumni, mentors, advisers, partners, funders and donors.

To find out more about us, check out any of the links below. Find out how we make a difference!

“I know as one person I cannot plant an entire forest, decontaminate an entire lake or get an entire nation to begin recycling. However, I can be a SEED which will grow an reproduce other like me”  

~ SEEDS Student

 History B Circle     People B Circle


Activities B Circle     About B Circle

This site was built by ESA Education Interns in the summer of 2016:

Victor Chan, National University of Singapore
Phoo Chit, University of Maryland – College Park

SEEDS Staff:

Fred Abbott-Torres, Diversity Programs Coordinator
Teresa Mourad, Director of Education and Diversity Programs