In 2013, an independent evaluation was administered to SEEDS students and alumni who participated in the SEEDS Undergraduate Research Fellowships, ecological field trips, Leadership Meetings and Travel Awards to ESA Annual Meetings between 2002 and 2013. The evaluation was conducted by Formative Evaluation Research Associates (FERA) with funding from the National Science Foundation. The survey was administered to 517 participants for whom we had current emails. Of these, 61 current students and 161 alumni responded for a total of 222 participants for a 43% response rate. We are pleased to share some of our findings with you.
SEEDS students have persisted in their education with 37% achieving a Masters degree or a Phd.
SEEDS has broadened participant knowledge about and interest in ecology. Both alumni and current students report that SEEDS increased their knowledge about the field of ecology and the pathways to enter the field.
Of alumni who responded to the survey, 84% (136 of 161) reported that they have completed or are pursuing degrees in ecology or an ecology-related field. SEEDS participants persist in ecology and related fields with 67% earning a Bachelor’s degree. At the time of the survey, 77 (48%) reported that they are either pursuing or have completed a Master’s degree in ecology or related field and 35 (22%) reported that they are pursuing or have completed a doctorate in ecology or related field.
At the time of the survey, fully 78% of alumni (n=126) were working or conducting research. Most alumni are in academia and government sectors. The rest are spread out in non-profit, business, education and other sectors. Of the alumni who are working or doing research, 73% (n=90) are in ecology or a related field.
Most of our students tell us that SEEDS has made a great deal or quite of bit of impact on their Education and Career..
It has also impacted students’ community involvement and personal growth!