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Happy Summer ESA Soil Ecology community! 

As we count down to ESA 2024 in Long Beach, please be aware that the Soil Ecology Section is receiving applications for the Student Travel Awards as well as nominations for the Deborah Neher Career Award by May 31, 2024. All deadlines are MAY 31, 2024. For more detail, read on or check our website (ESA Soil EcologyAwardsAnnouncements)

Student Travel Awards: To apply for 2024 Student Travel Awards, use THIS LINK: Applications are due on May 31, 2024. We anticipate making 4 awards of $400 each.


  • Active student membership in the section at the time of application (required)
  • Abstract accepted to present a talk or poster in-person at the 2024 ESA Annual Meeting (required)
  • Priority will be given to students with greater financial need, who have not received ESA section support in the past year
  • Application Materials include: All required fields, abstract, statement of financial need and student benefit, statement of research relevance to Soil Ecology

The Deborah Neher Career Award honors someone who has made significant contributions to the field of Soil Ecology. See more detail here. Award nominations should include one letter of support, that may include multiple signatories, and should be emailed to André Franco ( by May 31, 2024.

Feel free to reach out for more information on the roles. Current Board members are:

Dr. Stephanie Kivlin, Chair, University of Tennessee;

Dr. André Franco, Vice-Chair, Indiana University;

Dr. Sydney Glassman, Secretary, UC Riverside;



Nominations for Section Board Positions:
Serving on the Board provides excellent national level networking and service opportunities!
Please contribute nominations for 2023-2025 Soil Ecology Section Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Early Career Representative, by June 30, 2023 at THIS LINK.

Online voting will be held in the month of July, and the new board members will assume duties after the ESA 2023 Annual meeting.

Feel free to reach out for more information on the roles:
Dr. Lydia Zeglin, Chair, Kansas State University;
Dr. Stephanie Kivlin, Vice-Chair, University of Tennessee;
Dr. André Franco, Secretary, Indiana University;
Dr. Eva Stricker, Early Career Representative, University of New Mexico;



Greetings Soil Ecologists!
If you didn’t get this message yesterday through the list-serv, either check your Junk/Clutter settings or sign up for the list-serv here. Please pass this along to anybody we may have missed.
We haven’t met in person for some time and are very much looking forward to seeing one another again! We hope everybody enjoys safe travels to Montreal and back, after we make it through the last week of preparations. This information should help you get ready:
With the help of some plucky students (thank you!!) we have assembled another Soil Ecologist’s Guide to ESA 2022. Follow the link for details.
Soil Ecology will hold a joint mixer with the Biogeosciences Section on-site on Monday evening. Come for hors d’oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages (plus cash bar) and to meet our 2022 Student Travel Award winners and Deborah Neher Career Award winner!
The Soil Ecology Section business meeting will be Wednesday at Noon on-site and with remote access for anyone who cannot make it in-person. See the Soil Ecology @ ESA 2022 page (link) for the Zoom access information.
Finally, please come visit us and your Student Travel Award winners at the Soil Ecology Section Booth during the poster sessions! You’ll find ***NEW*** swag and t-shirts, updated for 2022 with the winning design from our community competition submitted by Brianna Almieda, and new slogan “We Dig It!”.
ESA is also looking for volunteers to help support student professional development by reviewing resumes or participating in mock interviews: And, if you are interested in participating in a BioBlitz competition during the meeting, sign up here:

See you soon!

Soil Ecology Section BoardLydia Zeglin, ChairStephanie Kivlin, Vice-ChairAndre Franco, SecretaryEva Stricker, Early-Career Representative