Past Annual Meeting Events
Thanks for a successful 2018 ESA meeting in New Orleans!
Soil ecology is intertwined with many other ecological subdisciplines, and underlies a large component of new ecological research in 2018: nearly 700 abstracts this year mentioned soil! If you’re interested in soil ecology, but weren’t able to check out all of this work, you may review this list of soil-related presentations at the 2018 ESA Annual Meeting.
CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s award winners!
For her career-long contributions to building the discipline of soil ecology, Dr. Nancy Collins Johnson received the 2018 Deborah A. Neher Career Award!
The level of research presented by Soil Ecology students was impressive overall. Special kudos go to: Mark Anthony (U. New Hampshire), Binod Basyal (U. Louisville), Emily Bean (U. Wyoming), Brooke Osborne (Brown U.), Brooke Pickett (UC Riverside), and Drew Scott (SIU), who received Student Travel Awards!
You can still pick up a “Get Dirty” notebook:
This year, show off your favorite soil ecology logo using your new “Get Dirty” moleskine! Record your 2019 soil ecology notes and ideas in this most appropriate notebook. You also will carry the good feeling that you are supporting future student travel awards, mixers, and initiatives. There are still some available! Contact Chris Schadt to get your own.
Looking forward to 2019
We are on for Louisville in 2019! Submit a proposal for a Soil Ecology focused Inspire session, Workshop, Special Session or Field Trip by November 15, 2018. Submit your abstract by February 21, 2019. Submit your Deborah Nehrer Career Award nominations and Student Travel Award applications by***MAY 10, 2019*** (DEADLINE EXTENDED!).