Postdoc position: Dryland Hydrology, Erosion, and Restoration
Dryland Hydrology, Erosion, and Restoration Post Doc
Job Description:
The post-doctoral research associate is responsible for overseeing erosion field measurements (wind tunnel, rain fall simulator, silt fences, passive dust traps, and others) at biological soil crust restoration experiments (Jornada Experimental Range and Hill Air Force Range) and grazing experiments (Grand Junction, CO). The position will be located in the USGS offices in Moab, UT. Moab is a small town offering a variety of outdoor adventures, and more information about Moab can be found at
This position requires expertise in field methods, lab methods, and modelling approaches to understanding erosion processes in dryland ecosystems. The incumbent will work closely with project scientists and USGS staff in project planning, data collection and analysis, and reporting results. The incumbent will have four general classes of major duties: 1) lead field and lab data collection, 2) implement existing soil erosion models, 3) data preparation and analysis, and 4) preparation of reports & scientific papers. Field work involves heavy exertion; withstanding both extreme heat and potential hypothermia conditions; climbing; walking over rough, rocky, or uneven terrain; lifting and carrying equipment and supplies; long hours; driving a 4WD vehicle on unimproved roads.
This is a 40-hour a week appointment with flexibility to allow for extensive field work periods.
Salary and start date: Salary is $49,000/year. A start date of fall/early winter 2017 is preferred.
Application: If you are interested, please send a CV to Nichole Barger ( and Mike Duniway ( Mike will be the ESA meeting in Portland to meet with job candidates.