Southwest chapter elections and ESA 2017 meeting events
Members are invited to vote for Southwest Chapter governance via electronic ballot. You’ll receive shortly an email from with the ballot. Please respond by August 7th, 2017 . Election results will be made official at the Southwest Chapter Breakfast Social and Business meeting.
Please take note of the Southwest Chapter’s events at this year’s ESA Annual Meeting:
ESA Joint Section Mixer
Monday, August 7, 2017: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM, Skyview Terrace, Oregon Convention Center
Southwest Chapter Breakfast Social and Business Meeting
Tuesday, August 8, 7 AM – 8 AM, Alaska Room, Doubletree Hotel
Ignite Session
IGN 13 – Bloom and Bust: Ecological Consequences of Precipitation Variability in Aridlands
Wednesday, August 9, 8 AM – 9:30 AM, C123 Oregon Convention Center:
Annual Meeting Student Travel Award Winners – Southwest Chapter
Please join us in congratulating our Southwest Chapter Student Travel Award winners, Brian Smithers, Tara Bishop, and Alessandro Filazzola. Our winners were selected from a great group of students! Please support our award recipients by attending their presentations at ESA:
Brian Smithers, Upslope treeline shifts point to life stage climate envelope differences in Great Basin bristlecone pine forests, COS 126, D129-130, Thursday August 10, 10:50am
Tara Bishop, Rodents disrupt invasive grass fire cycles, COS 187-8, E147-148, Friday, August 11, 10:30am
Alessandro Filazzola, The inclusion of positive interactions in modeling the niche space of desert annuals, COS 65-10, B113, Tuesday, August 8, 4:40pm
Be an ESA Meeting Mentor
The Ecological Society of America will again host the Networking for Students and Early Career Professionals event at this year’s Annual Meeting in Portland,and is asking for approximately two to four volunteers from each section to participate as mentors. The event will take place on Sunday, August 6th, and is geared towards mentoring students of various levels, ranging from undergraduates to post-docs.
This event is a result of members expressing interest in networking, career resources, and training opportunities in our Membership Survey six years ago, and a strong positive response in subsequent meetings. The idea is for participants to be able to speak to scientists from sections with discipline areas that are of interest to them. The primary goal of each Section’s mentors will be to facilitate discussions with interested students, offer guidance on getting the most out of the Annual Meeting, and general advice about pursuing ecology at higher levels. There is a list of Suggested Talking Points attached to serve as guidelines, however mentors are encouraged to allow students to drive the conversation with their questions.
The ESA also has a list of Guidelines for Mentors. We are asking each mentor to adhere to the guidelines, among which includes attending the Welcoming Reception after the Sunday Plenary, and the ESA Graduate Student, Post Docs, and Mentor/Mentee Breakfast on Tuesday, August 8th, 2017, which is a ticketed event. The cost of the ticket ($5.00) covers the breakfast provided. Tickets can be purchased with your registration or at the registration desk on site; however, for everyone’s convenience we do ask you to try to purchase your ticket ahead of time if possible.
Members that are interested should respond as soon as possible (before July 20) to the SW Chapter Chair at Those selected will receive special recognition in the Portland Annual Meeting’s addendum. We are very excited to be continuing this successful event and expect that it will again be very beneficial to many members.