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Past Ecological Forecasting Award Winners

2024 award winner

Barros, C., Luo, Y., Chubaty, A. M., Eddy, I. M. S., Micheletti, T., Boisvenue, C., Andison, D. W., Cumming, S. G., & McIntire, E. J. B. (2023). Empowering ecological modellers with a PERFICT workflow: Seamlessly linking data, parameterisation, prediction, validation and visualisation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 173–188.

2023 award winner

Zwart, Jacob A., Oliver, Samantha K., Watkins, William David, Sadler, Jeffrey M., Appling, Alison P., Corson-Dosch, Hayley R., Jia, Xiaowei, Kumar, Vipin and Read, Jordan S.. 2023. “ Near-term forecasts of stream temperature using deep learning and data assimilation in support of management decisions.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59(2): 317–337.

2022 award winner

Heilman, Kelly; Dietze, Michael; Arizpe, Alexis; Aragon, Jacob; Gray, Andrew; Shaw, John; Finley, Andrew; Klesse, Stefan; DeRose, Justin; Evans, Margaret. 2022. “Ecological forecasting of tree growth: regional fusion of tree-ring and forest inventory data to quantify drivers and characterize uncertainty” Global Change Biology 28(7):2442-2460

2021 award winner

Saunders, SP, Cuthbert, FJ, Zipkin, EF. Evaluating population viability and efficacy of conservation management using integrated population models. J Appl Ecol. 2018; 55: 1380– 1392.
2020 award winner
Howell, P. E., B. R. Hossack, E. Muths, B. H. Sigafus, A. Chenevert-Steffler, and R. B. Chandler. 2019. A statistical forecasting approach to metapopulation viability analysis.  Ecological Applications 30:1–10. DOI:10.1002/eap.2038.
2019 award winner

Paniw M, Maag N, Cozzi G, Clutton-Brock T, Ozgul A. (2019). Life history responses of meerkats to seasonal changes in extreme environments. Science 363:633-.

2018 award winner

Thomas RQ, et al. (2017). Leveraging 35 years of Pinus taeda research in the southeastern US to constrain forest carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiments. Biogeosciences 14:3525-3547.