Calling all Students!
This is Kate Gallagher, one of your ESA Student Section co-Chairs. The other is Dane Ward. We’ll be posting an introductory note later. For now, we wanted to let everyone know that the ESA Student Section will be holding elections for open positions during the 2nd week of September. For those of you who are interested in becoming more involved in the student section, we are still taking nominations for the 2014-2015 leadership.
This year is going to be different than any previous year in the student section! We are very excited about all of the communication technologies that we’ve updated/implemented to increase the sense of community and purpose in the student section throughout the year. And of course we’re already busy planning for the upcoming centennial meeting in Baltimore. Given all of these efforts under way, we are seeking motivated, engaged students to help us make the Student Section shine this year. Here are the open positions:
Vice Chair:
> Liaise between ESA SS Board & Section Liaisons
> Edit and post Liaison blog entries
> “Attend” monthly board Skype meetings
> Assist with the planning and running of section events: Student Mixer, Workshops (ex: Jobs & Funding Workshops), Special Sections (i.e. Orientation)
> Take over as Chair the Business Meeting in 2015
Liaisons (See list of sections at the end of the post):
> Attend the Business Meeting in 2015
> Occasional phone/skype updates and discussions
> 1 Blog post/year to the ESA SS website about what your section is about and what they’re doing at the next meeting/awards available.
> Participate in liaison meetings (we’re thinking 3x per year – so we can run ideas by you and you can tell us what you think of how things are going.)
> Help man the ESA SS Booth in 2015
If you are interested:
Since we want to be more fair and transparent in our elections this year, we are going to hold online elections for all of the positions for which we have nominees. Some of these positions have multiple nominees, so if you are interested please submit a 2-4 sentence blurb explaining who you are, why you would like the position you’ve selected, and what you bring to the table. Your personal statements are due by the end of next week: September 5th. Please email them to our secretary, Nicole Boone:
If you are interested in multiple positions:
If you have nominated yourself for multiple positions, please create a blurb for no more than 2 positions. We feel that 2 positions is really plenty of work for an unpaid, volunteer position. Plus we want to maximize participation from everyone. FYI, working on the centennial is not an elected position. So you’re already on that list and you can expect a quick email in the next few weeks about that.
Also, if you were appointed/elected by your section into the student liaison position, please indicate that in your email.
Applied Ecology
Aquatic Ecology
Disease Ecology
Environmental Justice
Human Ecology
International Affairs
INNGE (This is the International Network of Next-Generation Ecologists [] and they want a liaison to help put ESA on the world map – this would be a major opportunity to do some fun stuff with international folks at all levels, not just grad students.)
Invasive Species
Long-term Studies
Microbial Ecology
Plant Population Ecology
Policy & Public Affairs Committee (2 people needed) – PAC is a committee not a section (see ESA website to see what they do [], or email me as I was the former PAC rep).
Rangeland Ecology
Researchers at Undergrad. Inst.
Science Committee – not a section but a position with actual meetings and work (see ESA website to see what they do []).
Science Communication (new section)
Soil Ecology
Statistical Ecology
Theoretical Ecology
Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Urban Ecosystems
Rocky Mountain
South America