For help, see the essay "Helping Your Students to Interpret Figures and Tables."
Figure 4A. Thalassia testudinum (turtle grass) biomass (grams
of dry grass per square meter) in 1984 and 1994 in 6 regions
of Florida Bay. (From . Hall, M. O., M. J. Durako, J. W. Fourqurean,
J. C. Zieman. 1999. Decadal changes in seagrass distribution
and abundance in Florida Bay. Estuaries 22: 445-459).
Figure 4B. Relationship between input of nitrogen (kilograms
N per day) from 4 watersheds and receiving water seagrass
biomass (above ground blade biomass in grams per square meter)
in 19 seagrass beds in Sarasota Bay. (From Tomasko, D. A.,
C. J. Dawes, and M. O. Hall. 1996. The effects of anthropogenic
nutrient enrichment on turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)
in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Estuaries 19: 448-456).
Figure 4C. Relationship between nutrient loading (grams per square
meter per year) and biomass of algae growing on blades of
eelgrass (Zostera marina) in 3 seagrass areas in Waquoit Bay,
Cape Cod, MA (From Wright, A., T. Bohrer, J. Hauxwell and
I. Valiela, 1995. Growth of epiphytes on Zostera marina in
estuaries subject to different nutrient loading. Biological
Bulletin 189: 261).