Questions for Thought
(1) Turn to your neighbor and take 5 minutes to first describe and then
interpret the data in Figure 3A (note: einsteins is a measure of light energy). Be
prepared to volunteer or be called on during our discussion.
(2) Turn to your neighbor and take 5 minutes to first describe and then
interpret the data in Figure 3B. Note that the researcher measured coral
metabolism in a control (B) and a channel that she shaded with black plastic for
a month (A). Using what you now know, interpret the data. If the corals in
channel A were shaded for a very long time, what do you think might happen to
them and why?
(3) Coral bleaching is a phenomenon that takes place when corals are
stressed, such as when water temperature is too high for them. Corals are
normally light tan in color and after “bleaching” they are white. Using the
information you learned from the coral metabolism study, why do you think this is?