Here are a number of web sites that provide information on the issue of Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle:
- EPA Pfiesteria fact sheet (
- NC State Pfiesteria (; large site includes images and video, background information,
nitrogen and oxygen data, real time data, publications, and links
- Univ of NC Pfiesteria site (;
essay titled "The Fuss over Pfiesteria" plus useful links
- Neuse River hotline (; for the public, includes essay
titled "No Hysteria over Pfiesteria", open letter from Burkholder, newspaper article, links
- Univ MD estuary site (; large sets of short essays about
fish health and toxic algae, and the Chesapeake Bay
- Harmful Algal Blooms (; for the public, includes essays about HABs,
- Washington Post article ( titled "The Feeding Frenzy of a Morphing 'Cell From Hell'",
includes Burkholder quotes
-; Essay titled "The Agricultural Perspective:
Agriculture and Its Relationship to Toxic Dinoflagellates in the Chesapeake Bay", Univ. of MD, Agriculture Dept.
Nitrogen Saturation
Global Nitrogen Cycle