There are three Excel datasets: Dataset Number 1, Dataset Number 2, and Bonus Data. There is also a Species List, including the scientific and common names of the species included in the experiment.
Dataset Number 1 contains average plant biomass and standard errors for each species richness treatment for seven years. This dataset allows students to explore the relationship between species richness and plant productivity.
Dataset Number 2 shows the percentage of plots that exceeded the maximum monoculture biomass and allows a test of the sampling effect hypothesis.
The “Bonus” Data presents data from all 168 plots, including the presence/absence of functional groups. We have included this richer data set as an opportunity for teachers and students to be creative and have therefore left the exercise quite open-ended.
Species List shows the functional groups, genera and species, and common names of plants.
Note: each year new data from this experiment becomes available on the webpage (http://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/research/exper/e120/). Instructors may choose to have students find and incorporate this data as part of their exercise.