Percent total biotic cover as measured in over 700 permanent plots established in 1990 by burn severity, patch size, and location. Sampling occurred in patches of stand-replacing fire that were small (1 ha), moderate (70–200 ha) and large (>500 ha) in size (methods described in Turner et al. 1997). Error bars are 2 SE.
Post-fire density of lodgepole pine as measured in over 700 permanent plots established in 1990 by burn severity, patch size, and geographic location. Sampling occurred in patches of stand-replacing fire that were small (1 ha), moderate (70–200 ha) and large (> 500 ha) in size (methods described in Turner et al. 1997). Error bars are 2 SE.
Map of Yellowstone National Park showing the locations of the three study locations (Cougar Creek, Fern Cascades, and Yellowstone Lake). A small (1-2 ha), moderate (80-200 ha), and large (480-3698 ha) patch of crown fire was studied at each location. The hatched area depicts the Yellowstone Plateau, the gray shading illustrates major lakes, solid black areas show the nine burned patches used in this study, and irregular solid lines indicate Park roads.
Percent cover by year at each of the three study locations (Cougar Creek, Fern Cascades, and Yellowstone Lake) in Yellowstone National Park. Data show means ±2 SE.
Percent cover by year for small, moderate, and large burned patches for forb, graminoid, and total biotic cover after the extensive 1988 fires. Data show means ±2 SE.
Percent cover by year for the three burn severity classes. Data show means ±2 SE.
Mean density of Pinus contorta (PICO) seedlings across all samplings points by year. "All PICOs" refers to all seedlings that germinated following the 1988 fires. The first-year PICOs are those seedlings that germinated during the indicated year. Data show means ±2 SE.