ESA wants you(r photographs) (Update)
Last month, ESA invited you to send us photographs of your favorite ecologists and ecosystems for our home page, and a number of you have responded with great shots. We invite you to take a look at this month’s update of the circle photos (, featuring contributions by:
David Zaks (penguins)
Carol Wessman (Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio)
Jason Marsh (Earl McCoy, Henry Mushinsky, and baby gopher tortoises)
and Katherine Hoffman (an ESA SEEDS field trip)
As a reminder, we will be featuring a new ecosystem banner once each month, and rotating the circle pictures with new contributions from you. Send your contributions to Please send the highest resolution file available, and tell us who took the photo, where it is, and who’s in it. We also need any people in your photos to give us permission to post them. Thank you!Contributed by Cliff Duke, ESA News and Views Coordinator