ESA Roommate and Ride Share
The ESA Roommate and Transportation Forum is an electronic bulletin board designed to facilitate communication among meeting registrants seeking to share lodging or a ride to Albuquerque for the Annual Meeting. The Roommate and Ride Share is located on the ESA Website. Those using the Forum have complete responsibility for what they post. ESA Headquarters cannot guarantee that users will locate roommates or rides using the Forum, nor is ESA liable for any consequences to those who seek roommates or traveling partners using the Forum.
If you plan to share a hotel room ( or a room at the University of New Mexico (dorm reservation form), you must identify your roommate(s) in advance of making housing reservations and only one of the persons sharing the room should submit the Housing Reservations Form. A charge for the entire stay will be placed against the credit card of the person who submits the Housing Reservations Form to guarantee the bed.