Early Career Ecologists partner with PLOS Ecology for ESA
We are making two announcements below that include PLOS:
1) refreshments for our special session on early career challenges will be provided by PLOS. So please come help us enjoy them!2) PLOS is starting a new forum for blogging about ecology, and they want early career contributors!
We are hosting a special session at the annual ESA meeting titled “Concerns and Challenges in Personal and Professional Development for Early Career Ecologists“. We have six invited presenters who will be speaking on the topics of work-family balance, dual careers, strategies for gaining employment, strategies for first-year teaching, methods for generating novel research questions, and measures of success for early career ecologists. Each presentation will be about 10 minutes, with ample time for discussion after the talks. Discussion will be focused on identifying strategies for early career ecologists to face these challenges and on ways for ESA and the greater scientific community to aid in the personal/professional development of early career ecologists during transitional career stages.
Our speakers have all recently published on early career topics in ESA journals:
The special session is scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, from 8:00pm – 10:00pm in 302 Baltimore Convention Center,and is sponsored by the Public Library of Science (PLOS), who will be providing refreshments for the session. So please put it on your ESA Schedule App and consider sticking around late on Wednesday to join us!
Are you interested in scientific communication, blogging or social media?
In support of our collaboration with PLOS, they are also providing opportunities for Early Career Ecologist members to blog on their new PLoS Ecology Community on Medium (Note: It’s for the whole “Ecology Community”, not just for community ecologists!). Whether you have extensive experience are just want a way to get started, this is a great opportunity to get involved via a professional platform affiliated with PLOS. They are welcoming contributors to provide coverage of ESA talks and events, interview prominent biologists (they have already lined a few of these up for you!), and cover recent ecology publications or concepts throughout the year. You can be involved Please email us (earlycareer@esa.org) if you are interested in this opportunity or have questions about how to get started. You can get some sweet swag for participating, and expand your online professional profile at the same time!
To help organize blog contributions, PLOS is also seeking two editors for the Ecology Community website. These positions will entail about 10-15 hours per month and provide a opportunity to become prominently involved in science communication in the context of a widely recognized scientific entity. More information about this opportunity can be found here.