ECE Events at ESA 2021!

Some of the ECE Officers looking camera ready. Clockwise from top left: Cait Rottler (Webmaster and Blog Coordinator), Cari Ficken (Chair), Molly Reichenborn (Secretary and Treasurer), Nate Emery (Past-Past-Chair and Member-at-Large).
Come hang with the Early Career Ecologists section at ESA 2021 Annual Meeting! We want to meet you and hear from you! We are sponsoring and/or highlighting the following events–just click on a title for more information, and be sure you’re logged in to EventBrite if you want to access the Zoom details! Is there a topic you want to learn about that is not covered here? Tell us at our Business Meeting + Mixer on Tuesday.
Monday (August 2 2021)
Speed networking, 7:30 – 8:30 PM EST
Collaborating with others within and across disciplines is one of the benefits of working in the field of ecology. Virtual meetings present both challenges and opportunities for building new professional connections. Join the Early Career Ecologists Section for a “speed networking” event designed to help build connections and facilitate collaborations. All career stages are welcome!
Tuesday (August 3 2021)
Roundtable: Building an Ecology Career and a Family, 3-4 EST
Many ecologists, especially early in their careers, face the dual pressures of work and home. Succeeding as a partner, parent or caregiver and as a professional at the same time can feel like a daunting task. Join this conversation with some folks who have or are currently navigating that space themselves, connect with peers, and get and give good advice!
Business meeting and Social Mixer, 6:30 – 7:30 EST
Networking mixer for ESA’s early career ecologists. We will announce election results for section leadership, the winner of the Outstanding Publication Award, and highlights from the 2020-2021 year. Join us to meet other early career ecologists, learn what opportunities our section has, and to tell us how we can better help you in the future. Bring a friend!
Early Career Mentorship One-On-One Event, 8:30 – 9:30 EST
This will be an opportunity for our mentees to meet one-on-one with their individual mentors. The goal is for mentees to get to know their mentor and talk with their mentor about how they can effectively use their time at the ESA meeting to further their career goals. Invite only.
Wednesday (August 4 2021)
Inspire: Solving the Two-Body Problem: Strategies for Balancing Dual-Career Relationships in Ecology, 4:30 – 5:30 EST
This session will discuss strategies for early-career ecologists in dual-career relationships to advance their professional ambitions while balancing the needs of their partner. A panel of ecologists in dual-career relationships will discuss their experiences and share tips and trips to navigate this aspect of work-life balance.
Thursday (August 5 2021)
Getting Published, 3 – 4 EST
Do you have questions about getting your article published? Are you just curious how it all works? How do you decide where and what to submit? Join us for a publishing mixer with a roundtable of ESA publishing experts and EiCs from the ESA Journals. This interactive mixer will give you an opportunity to get your questions answers and learn more about academic publishing while hanging out with other early-career scientists.
Ecological Trivia Night, 8:15-9:15 PM EST
Join us for a trivia competition and to meet other early career ecologists.
Mentorship Program Speed Networking, 8:30 – 9:30
Mentees in the Early Career Mentorship Program will have the opportunity to meet and network with other mentors and mentees in the program. Our hope is that this event will help to further develop a mentorship network for all mentees in the program, giving mentees more resources and opportunities to seek professional advice. Invite only.
Friday (August 6 2021)
Nothing scheduled.