ECE Events at ESA 2022!
ECE Events at ESA 2022!
Whether you want to show your appreciation for being awarded travel funds, love the resources in the monthly newsletter, have ideas for how the ECE Section can serve you better, or just want to meet others in this transitional phase of our careers, come hang out with the ECE Section at our events in Montreal!
We are sponsoring and/or highlighting the following events – click the title to go to the conference program for more info.
DAILY Monday-Wednesday (August 15-17), 9:30AM-6:30PM EDT
Visit our table in the exhibition hall for the following:
- “Meet-Greet-&-Eat”
- Make new friends by signing up to meet up for lunch or other meals with a group! (Also check Slack and our section’s Twitter account to find where the Early Career bunch headed that day and not have to lunch alone)
- Win prizes
- Check our Slack team for the daily trivia question or participate in our week-long conference experience “checklist” to be entered in a drawing to win prizes
- Swag and suggestions
- Pick up section stickers, suggest section activities, sign up to write a post on this blog, and more
Monday (August 15, 2022)
Section Business Meeting and Mixer, 6:30-8 PM EDT
Saint-Houblon Latin Quartier
The 20-minute walk in the fresh air to this restaurant will feel good after a day at the convention center, and will be well worth it to network with other early career ecologists! Find out who is organizing the section, including who won the elections, who received awards, what events are planned for the next year, and share how the section can better serve you. The section will provide appetizers, and you are welcome to purchase drinks.
Tuesday (August 16, 2022)
INSPIRE: Advice from the Field: Practical Skills, Coping with Accessibility Challenges, and What Else You Need to Know, 10-11:30 AM EDT
This session brings together speakers from varied backgrounds conducting field work in ecology, both in terms of the ecosystems represented and personal experience in navigating the challenges presented by traditional ecological field work. The primary goal for this session is for speakers to share lessons learned from their own experiences, including skills they wish they had learned prior to conducting field work, navigating assumptions around physical, mental, and social expectations in the field, overcoming deficits in knowledge considered “commonplace” by those with experience in the outdoors, and other personal and professional barriers to conducting successful field work in ecology. With this session, we hope to address and help minimize barriers to ecologists beginning their careers, especially those who have limited or no experience preparing for work in the field or for whom field work presents unique challenges. We aim to do this both by providing actionable information to those new to the field and by offering insight to mid-and late career ecologists so they may be better equipped to recognize and reduce barriers that their advisees face.
An Interactive Discussion on Important Considerations for your Papers, 11:45-1:15 EDT
Do you have questions about getting your article published? Are you just curious how it all works? How do you decide where and what to submit? Join us for a publishing mixer with a roundtable of ESA publishing experts and Editors-in-Chief from the ESA Journals. This interactive mixer will give you an opportunity to get your questions answers and learn more about academic publishing while hanging out with other early-career scientists. Coffee, tea, and doughnut holes provided.
Wednesday (August 17, 2022)
ECE Mentorship Program Coffee Hour, 12-1 PM EDT
This will be an opportunity for the mentees accepted to the 2022-23 ECE Mentorship Program to meet one-on-one with their individual mentors. The goal is for mentees to get to know their mentor and talk with their mentor about how they can effectively use their time at the ESA meeting to further their career goals. Invite only.
Thursday (August 18, 2022)
ECE Mentorship Program Speed Networking, 11:45-1:15 PM EDT
An opportunity for mentees to meet more of the mentors in the program in short introductory sessions. Invitation only, for those accepted into the 2022-2023 ECE Mentorship Program. Invite only.
Friday (August 19, 2022)
Workshop: Backward Design And Inclusive Pedagogy for Teaching Ecology Courses, 10:00-11:30 AM EDT
The Early Career Ecologists Section will run a workshop to help ecologists create a scaffold for developing more effective courses. This workshop will focus on Backward Design and Inclusive pedagogy, which includes brainstorming learning objectives, designing assessments, and building course materials that reflect the goals of a course. All aspects of the workshop are informed by evidence-based teaching practices and participants will be exposed to a variety of teaching tools, strategies, and resources.
Participants will leave the workshop with a comprehensive course design informed by Discipline-Based Education Research. The workshop will be most effective if participants bring a course syllabus to the workshop for constructive feedback and development. Topics are not limited to ecology courses, but can be anything related to biology or environmental science. Building a course from scratch is also possible, so come ready to share your ideas! All educators are welcome, graduate students to senior faculty.
The workshop is BYO Lunch and BYO Syllabus.