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Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology – 2020 details soon!

The Plant Population Ecology (PPE) section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) is pleased to announce the 2020 Postdoctoral Excellence Award in Plant Population Ecology, sponsored by the non-profit open-access journal AoBP (AoB PLANTS). This honor is presented at ESA’s annual meeting each August and recognizes a distinguished journal contribution to plant population ecology by a postdoctoral member of the PPE section. The winner will receive an award of $500 from AoBP. Established in 2010 and published by Oxford University Press, AoB PLANTS is a non-profit, open-access journal specializing in environmental and evolutionary plant biology. The journal has distinguished Advisory and Editorial Boards, renders first decisions on manuscripts in an average of 35 days, and has a 2018 Impact Factor score of 2.27.

Eligibility – Applicants must have received their Ph.D. degrees between January 1, 2016 and Dec 31, 2019 and be a current member of the PPE section (if applicants are not a member of ESA or the PPE section, they can join prior to applying). Applicants must be first author on the publication, which may result from either dissertation or postdoctoral research. Publications in any journal are eligible, provided they were published within the past calendar year (January December 2019). Manuscripts that were accepted for publication by December 2019 may also be submitted for consideration. Only one publication will be considered per applicant. 

Application – To apply, submit as a single, merged pdf file with both a qualifying manuscript and a 200-word statement describing how the paper advances the field of plant population ecology. Applications should be emailed to the PPE Secretary Nick Barber ( by 5 pm EDT on May 31, 2020, using “ESA PPE – AoBP Postdoc Award” as the subject line.

Applications will be assessed by the PPE Executive Board. The award will be presented at the annual meeting of the ESA during the PPE section mixer in Louisville. The recipient is strongly encouraged to attend the PPE mixer to be recognized and to accept the award.

Past Postdoctoral Excellence Award recipients
2019 Susana Wadgymar
2018 Robert Shriver

2017 William Petry
2016 Jenni McDonald
2015 Eugenio Larios
2014 Jennifer Gremer
2013 Rupesh Kariyat; Roberto Salguero-Gomez (Honorable Mention)
2012 Jennifer Williams

Plant Population Ecology Student Travel Awards

The ESA-PPE provides funds each year for students to travel to the national meeting. The student must:

  1. be the presenter/first author of a talk or poster at the meeting, and
  2. be a member of the section (if you are not sure whether you are up to date with the section dues, please contact

Travel support may range between $200-300 and will be given to the winners during the PPE mixer in Salt Lake City. Recipients are highly encouraged to attend the PPE mixer to be recognized and to receive the check. Awardees are also expected to dedicate time at the PPE fund raiser table during the conference, which will help fund future student travel awards.

This year, ESA is utilizing a single, streamlined application process for all funding opportunities related to travel for the Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. If you feel that you are eligible for a PPE Student Travel Award, please visit the application page to get started.

Past Student Travel Award recipients

Meredith Zettlemoyer, Tsun Fung Au, Laura Bogar, Gaurav Kandlikar, Sarah Johnson, Marcel Vaz

Charlotte Brown, Rebecca Dalton, Julie Davis, Anna Farrell, Gaurav Kandlikar, Josh Scholl, Soren Struckman

Click here for a schedule of the 2018 Awardees’ talks and posters

2017 Aubrie James, Joshua Lynn, Callie Oldfield, Nikki Forrester
2016 Janelle Eck, Marion Holmes, Shivani Jadeja, Melanie Kazenel, Deirdre Loughnan, Sarah Richman, Matthew Tye
2015 Charlotte C. Trowbridge, Laura Doubleday, Jessica Kettenbach, Gabriella L. Pardee, Jay W. Wason III, Kimberley Taylor, Y. Anny Chung
2014 Zak Gezon, Jeremy Johnson, Brittany West Marsden, Nana Zhang
2013 Kelsey Yule, Megan Sebasky, Miranda Redmond, Will Petry, Kane Keller, Jessica Pratt
2012 Kristin Powell, Juan Alvarez-Yepiz, Will Petry, Matthew Kaproth, Anny Yan-Yi Chung, Bennett
2011 Christopher Bowman-Prideaux, Scott Chamberlain, Aldo Compagnoni, Kimberly Kellett, Abigail Kula, Sean Michaletz, Ian Pfingsten, Rob Strahan
2009 Two awards; awardees unknown
2008 Katherine Gerst
2007 Kristen Hladun
2006 Melanie Barnes, Erika Hersch, Kristen Hladun, Abigail Kula, Somereet Nijjer
2005 Kristin Anton, Richard Lankau, Lori Spindler
2004 Amy Blair, Beth Lawrence