Early Career Mentoring
We are excited to announce that our long-range planning grant has been funded by ESA, which will allow us to run a semi-formal Early Career Mentoring Program at ESA 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale!
Whether you want to show your appreciation for being awarded travel funds, love the resources in the monthly newsletter, have ideas for how the ECE Section can better serve you, or just want to meet others in this transitional phase of our careers, come hang out with the ECE Section at our events in Long Beach! We are sponsoring and/or…
Read MoreCome hang with the Early Career Ecologists section at ESA 2021 Annual Meeting! We want to meet you and hear from you! We are sponsoring and/or highlighting the following events–just click on a title for more information, and be sure you’re logged in to EventBrite if you want to access the Zoom details! Is there a topic you want to…
Read MoreThe Early Career Ecologist Section has been busy proposing, organizing, and collaborating to offer many events and resources in the near future. See our page for ESA 2016 for more details on these and other events! They include: An Early Career Section Booth – Come and visit! We’ve worked to make this a Parent-Friendly meeting. See our Blog Post. Our…
Read MoreWe are excited to announce that our long-range planning grant has been funded by ESA, which will allow us to run a semi-formal Early Career Mentoring Program at ESA 2016 in Ft. Lauderdale!
We are making two announcements below that include PLOS: 1) refreshments for our special session on early career challenges will be provided by PLOS. So please come help us enjoy them! 2) PLOS is starting a new forum for blogging about ecology, and they want early career contributors!
This is a guest announcement from Dennis Tarasi, a PhD Candidate in the Peet Lab at UNC-Chapel Hill* What is interdisciplinary research? What is the future of interdisciplinary research in ecology? Interdisciplinary research is one of the most commonly used catchphrases in the field of ecology and broader science in general. This term has been used (and misused) so much…
The Early Career Ecologist Section has been busy proposing, organizing, and collaborating to offer many events and resources in the near future. See our page for ESA 2015 for more details on these and other events!
Cheers! A Networking Event Sponsored by the Early Career Ecologist Section Rolling Event, to take place throughout the meeting. Ticket sales Mon-Thurs, Redemption at the evening poster sessions Mon-Thurs held in the Baltimore Convention Center exhibit hall.
What we will do: Advocate for early career ecologist concerns, organize workshops and symposia, award travel grants, etc. How to be involved: Join the section when you renew your ESA membership! Follow us on Twitter @esa_earlycareer Email us: earlycareer@esa.org