ESA2012 invitation to bloggers

ESA2012 annual meeting in Portland, Oregon

Dear ecological bloggers,

We know that there are many of you out there in the broader ecological community, blogging your impressions of ecology’s intellectual ecosystem. Are you planning to blog ESA’s annual meeting in Portland, Ore. this August?

We would like to gather your varied commentary on the research, workshops, field trips, and symposia presented at #ESA2012. To create a central location where folks can browse a collection of annual meeting-related blog posts, we are offering ESA’s blog EcoTone as a launching pad.

If you would like to join in, contact us during the annual meeting with your published blog post. We will create a new EcoTone post with your post title, an excerpt of your story, and a link back to the full post on your own blog. All meeting posts will be listed at

For more information, please contact Liza Lester: llester [at] esa [dot] org



The ESA Public Affairs Team